- Jade carved jade, much of a walk. 青玉玉质,雕一行走的胡人。
- Two black material alone carved jade pick up more lifelike birds, jumping around between the branches, a symbol of auspiciousness more! 两只黑色料独玉摘雕出来的小鸟更显栩栩如生,在枝头间跳来跳去,更显喜庆吉祥!
- Regular shape, engraved with bronze at the moment, "komatsu." Carved jade, patina, is a rare. 形制规整,上刻有金文,左下方刻有“小松刻”款。刻工精良,包浆温润,是一件难得的佳品。
- For example, in China, carved jade stone was part of an ancient jewelry tradition. 举例来说,玉石雕刻在中国是古老的传统饰品加工工艺。
- Its rich colors and high hardness, meticulously carved jade independence for the furnishing articles at home and abroad enjoy very highly. 其色彩丰富,硬度高,精心雕作的独玉摆件在国内外享有极高的评价。
- MianYang is neat, the structure, the bird ZhuanWen carved jade letter imperial shade is engraved "or" four words, "journal of" man after baishan. 形制规整,正面阳刻鸟篆文,背面阴刻“玉函玺匮”四字,落“完白山人刊”款。
- The lines suggest to the reader the beauty and fragrance both of the carved jade hair-pin and of the lady herself, a beauty and fragrance which deceived the dragon-fly. 这些诗句使读者联想到了宫女以及她们所佩带的玉簪的香味。
- Jade carved up at the intersection of double the badger, moral, couples and double huan. Jade carved jade, fine. Double badger image lifelike and vivid. 白玉,刻首尾相交的双獾,寓意双欢谐音,夫妻和美。玉质温润,刻工精细。双獾形象逼真生动。
- Could I look ai that jade carving in the showcase? 能看看橱窗里那玉雕吗?
- Flea market I was lucky when I went to the flea market today. In the middle of all the worthless junk I found a carved jade Chinese snuff bottle and bought it for five dollars: the seller didn't know what it was. 我今天去跳蚤市场,运气还真不错。在那些毫无用处的破玩意儿堆里,我找到一个中国鼻烟壶,是用玉做的,上面还有雕刻。我才化了五块钱。卖东西的人根本不知道那是什么东西。
- I have been awed by the devoted spirit of Gothic wood carving. 我对哥特木刻的热忱精神感到敬畏。
- She went for him with a carving knife. 她持切肉刀攻击他。
- All the furniture in the room had much carving. 房间里所有的家具上都有许多雕刻。
- It's a collection of Chinese jade. 这是收藏的一批中国玉器。
- I have a pair of jade bracelets. 我有一对翡翠手镯。
- Of all the high mountains, Mt. Jade is the highest. 在所有高山当中,玉山为最高。
- This jade dragon is a genuine antique. 这件玉龙是真正的古玩。
- Yangzhou Jade Carving Factory 6 Guang Chu Men Wai Street. 扬州玉器厂,广储门外街6号。
- lacquer screen inlaid carved jade 嵌老山玉屏风
- Maddie : No, it shows the role symbolism had in jade carving. 曼蒂:不,这个玉雕是在显示一种角色象征。