- He noted that New York and several U.S. states and Canada also suffered a cascading outage in 2003. 他指出,纽约和美国几个州以及加拿大2003年也曾发生大面积的停电。
- Because o f v arious kinds of inner and outer factors P ower system w ill b ecome relatively vulnerability and cause cascading outages. 电力系统会因为各种内外部因素而变得相对脆弱,导致容易发生大面积停电的严重事故。
- Keywords Power system;Cascading outage;Probability;Forcast;Vulnerability; 电力系统;连锁故障;概率;预测;脆弱性;
- The optimal emergency generator tripping and load shedding measures based on corrected transient energy function (CTEF) method are proposed in this paper which aim to prevent cascading outages. 研究了基于修正的暂态能量函数的最佳切机和切负荷计算新方法。
- cascading outage 连锁故障
- There is often an outage of electricity. 经常断电。
- Her sounds began cascading gently. 她的声音开始慢慢低沉下来。
- Cascading deletes are a scary concept initially. 级联删除起初是一个可怕的概念。
- There will be a power outage tomorrow. 明天要停电。
- A freak storm was to blame for the power outage. 停电的起因是一场特大暴风雪
- Cascading style sheets are common solution items. 级联样式表是通用解决方案项。
- Block and a link to a cascading style sheet. 块和指向级联样式表的链接。
- FYI, There was a power outage Friday -> Saturday. 周五到周六因断电导致停机。
- This is the model used by cascading style sheets. 这是级联样式表使用的模型。
- This transmission is interrupted by a sun outage. 卫星)信号传播被日凌送打断。
- All major browsers support Cascading Style Sheets. 所有主流浏览器都支持样式表。
- The ice storm caused a power outage. 暴风雪导致了停电。
- You should turn off Cascading Style Sheets. 您应该关闭级联样式表。
- There will be a network outage from 8 to 10 a.m.. 上午八点到十点将断网。
- The logs rolled down the cascading river. 原木随着瀑布般湍急的河水顺流而下