- case 整数值5 : 语句;case integral-value5 : statement;
- 重新初始化项目时,值5和6更改为2。When an article is reinitialized, values of 5 and 6 are changed to 2.
- 值value
- case 整数值2 : 语句;case integral-value2 : statement;
- 你说它值5美元,我说值3美元。我们取中间价,按值4美元成交好吗?You say it's worth %24 5 and I say it's worth %24 3. Shall we split the difference and make it %24 4?
- 语句sentence
- 整数(n) integer; whole number
- 超值overflow
- 默认值Windows default
- 中指定的最大值。例如,带有最大值1的节只由一个位构成,而带有最大值5的节由三个位构成。For example, a section with a maximum value of 1 is composed of only one bit, whereas a section with a maximum value of 5 is composed of three bits.
- 整数倍integral multiple
- 语句的lexical
- 最大值max.
- 不值not worth
- 具有多个子句的Case语句可能会表现出称为“短路”的行为。A Case statement with multiple clauses can exhibit behavior known as short-circuiting.
- 充值卡top-up card
- 插值interpolation
- 整数语句integer statement
- 以对照点儿童的身高甲状腺体积指数正常值的97%上限值5.0为标准,闽清县10岁儿童的甲状腺肿大率为33.6%。According to 97%25 up limit of normal HVI in control group (5.0),the goiter rate at the ultrasonic level in 10-year-old children in this area (Minqing county)is 33. 6%25.
- 减值devalue