- case leaching method 案例教学法
- Is microbe leaching method feasible for pyrite? 黄铜矿的生物浸出可行吗?
- Slow release properties of the ureas were studied by using the nitrogen soil leaching method. 其中,以添加水溶性腐植酸的产品缓释性最强;
- The basic characteristics of deposit form and heat - liquid form barite and their calcining and leaching method are described. 论述了沉积型和热液型重晶石基本性质的不同和所应选择的煅烧和浸取方式。并就煅烧和浸取的工艺设备提出了新的观点。
- Studies on leaching coppper from tailings of flotation in Qinghai by common leaching method and coordination leaching method. 分别用常规浸取法和协同浸取法对青海某矿浮选尾矿进行浸铜的研究。
- H3 PO4 leaching method in presence of oxidizer was used to study the decomposing of the low-cobalt cemented carbide scraps. 研究了在少量氧化剂存在下,以磷酸为浸出介质,将含钴量较低的废旧硬质合金解体分离并予以分步回收的可行性。
- The mineralizing and nitrogen releasing characteristic of modified lignin in wastewater from paper-making-Ammoxidized Lignin(AOL)was studied through intermittent leaching method. 利用Stanford的间歇淋洗法研究了AOL作为控释氮肥的氮素矿化释放特性。
- The technology for preparation of ferrous sulfate from pyrite cinder by reduction roasting-acid leaching method was studied,and the optimal process conditions were established. 研究了硫铁矿烧渣还原酸浸制取硫酸亚铁溶液的工艺过程,并确定了该过程的适宜工艺条件。
- Compared with conventional agitation acid leaching method,this process decreases the acid consumption by 21% and manganese dioxide by 29%,the extraction rate of uranium reduces by 1. 86%. 与搅拌浸出比较,淋滤浸出省酸21%25、省二氧化锰29%25,铀提取率降低1.;86%25。
- Effects of soil sodicity and gypsum application on dynamical behavior of heavy metal elements under effluent irrigation were studied by means of soil column leaching method in laboratory. 采用室内土柱淋洗试验方法,研究了污水灌溉条件下土壤碱度和石膏应用对土壤中重金属元素动态变化的影响。
- Abstract: The preparation of manganese carbonate from the lean pyrolusite ore, by using plant dust and leaching method with sulphuric acid, was investigated.The raw material is soft mangnetic ferrite. 摘 要: 研究了以低品位软锰矿石为原料,配入植物粉料,用硫酸直接浸出软锰矿制备软磁铁氧体用碳酸锰的新工艺方法。
- The basic characteristics of deposit form and heat-liquid form barite and their calcining and leaching method are described.New ideas of process and equipment for calcining and leaching are given. 论述了沉积型和热液型重晶石基本性质的不同和所应选择的煅烧和浸取方式。并就煅烧和浸取的工艺设备提出了新的观点。对提高重晶石的利用率、优化工艺设备,降低生产成本、保护环境是非常必要的。
- In that case you'll have to clear yourself. 那样,你只得自行辩白了。
- In this case, let's start earlier. 既然这样,我们就早点开始。
- Thermodynamic analysis results show that tellurium can be leached by sulfuric acid leaching method from lead-rich tellurium slag. 热力学分析结果表明:可以采用酸浸方法从高铅碲渣中提取碲。
- Nothing short of this could mend the case. 不这样就不能挽回局面。
- Leaching Method of Flavone from Bamboo Leaves 竹叶中黄酮提取方法的研究
- The Supreme Court gave a fair trial to the case. 最高法院对这一案件作出了公正的审判。
- The judge summed up the case for the jury. 法官向陪审团概述案情。
- Catalytic oxidation acid leaching method 催化氧化酸浸