- case similarity match 案例匹配
- This paper presents the overall system structure and main functions of CPPTDS,and key techniques to realize this system: case representation and storage, similarity match and query, case forming and study. 本文设计了基于事例推理的包装印刷工艺设计系统的总体结构和功能,以及系统实现的几个关键环节:包装印刷工艺事例的表示、存储、检索、匹配、生成和学习。
- The lawyer cited another case similar to the one being tried. 律师援引与正审讯中案件相似的另一案件为例。
- The system studied by this thesis is based B/S architectures, it includes three models: question's semantic comprehension model, FAQ-based question similarity match model, document warehouse-base automatic answer fetching model. 本 系 统 采 用 B/S 体 系 结 构 来 实 现 , 主 要 包 括 问 句 理 解 分 析 、 FAQ (frequently-asked question)库问句匹配、学科文档库答案自动获取三个模块。
- The FAQ-based question similarity match model is implemented by sematic sentence similarity computation, which is improved by our system, this model can answer frequently-asked question fastly and concisely. FAQ 库问句匹配模块主要采用本系统改进的句子相似度计算方法来实现用户问句的解答,该模块主要用于实现用户常问问题的快速、准确解答;
- The paper researched the key technologies of CBR method in the civil aircraft fault diagnosis: Applying the gray theory to the case similarity computation, and the difference derived method to case adaption. 再次,将该结构模型应用于民用飞机故障诊断系统,研究了民用飞机故障诊断系统中CBR关键技术的实现方法:将灰色理论应用于故障案例的相似度计算、采用了基于差异驱动的案例改写方法。
- English Introduction: The tableau is very simple, but has very strong optesthesia to pound.Small game of similar match people. 中文介绍:欢迎您玩"军火走私"这个小游戏,画面很简单,但是有很强的视觉冲击。
- Fortunately, the potential of migration of a broken wire from the lower extremity is rare, as our reiew of the literature reealed no eidence of any preious case similar to ours. 幸好,来自下肢的断裂金属丝的潜在游走并不多见,我们回顾文献显示,以前没有任何类似我们的病例的迹象。
- Different from the traditional similar case retrieval,this method performs case classification with trained ART-KNN and then figures out a similar case set using a proposed case similarity metric. 与传统的CBR相似案例检索任务不同的是,该方法用受训ART-KNN网络对新案例分类后根据提出的案例相似性测度来计算相似案例集。
- Thirdly, different judging criteria, including absolute distance, Euclidian distance and similarity matching, are adopted to match different requirements on recognition speed or accuracy. 最后在各级分类中采用了不同的判别准则 ;包括绝对值距离、欧氏距离及相似度准则 ;以适应于时间、准确性的不同要求 .
- The engine case similar load bearing easy to have managed, the safekeeping of security, the radiation protection, to increase functions and so on artistic, was only usually everybody neglects. 机箱同样承载了易管理、安全保护、防辐射、增加美观度等功能,只是平时大家都忽略了而已。
- In that case you'll have to clear yourself. 那样,你只得自行辩白了。
- In this case, let's start earlier. 既然这样,我们就早点开始。
- Recognition of parts is one of the difficulties in the process of research and development of CBR system of blanking die intelligence design.Part recognition means the parts' similarity matching. 在冲裁模智能设计CBR系统的研究与开发过程中,零件的识别是难点之一,零件的识别也就是零件相似性匹配。
- Before the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics, WBF held an exhibition competition, and the chess federation held two similar matches at the Sydney Games in 2000. 在2002年盐湖城冬奥会之前,世界牌联已经举行了两场表演赛,国际棋联在悉尼奥运会上也有两场相似的比赛。
- Nothing short of this could mend the case. 不这样就不能挽回局面。
- The Supreme Court gave a fair trial to the case. 最高法院对这一案件作出了公正的审判。
- The judge summed up the case for the jury. 法官向陪审团概述案情。
- I will reveal your secret in no case. 我决不会泄漏你的秘密。
- We could relax the procedure slightly in your case. 我们可以根据你的情况通融一些。