- It consisted in falsifying a series of production reports of two years ago, in such a way as to cast discredit on a prominent member of the Inner Party, who was now under a cloud. 这项工作,要伪造两年前的一批生产报告,好叫个核心党高干名誉扫地,这家伙如今已开始失宠。
- That brought discredit on his name. 那件事使他的名誉受损。
- Violent fans bring discredit on their teams. 粗野的球迷给他们的球队丢脸。
- Such behavior can only reflect discredit on you. 这样的行为只能给你带来耻辱。
- He brought discredit on the whole family. 他给全家人丢了脸。
- The findings of the report threw discredit on the protesters' claims. 报告中展示的调查结果使抗议者的要求遭到了怀疑。
- His action reflected discredit on the family. 他的行为使整个家庭蒙受耻辱。
- It reflected no discredit on her. 对她来说,并没有什么丢面子的地方。
- Such looseness throws discredit on the whole work. 这样松懈使整体工作受到怀疑。
- Their behaviour has bought discredit on English football. 他们的行为败坏了英国足球运动的声誉。
- cast discredit on 使人怀疑 ...
- Their behavior has brought discredit on English football. 他们的行为给英国足球队败坏名声。
- Violent football fans bring discredit on the teams they support. 狂热的足球迷败坏了他们所支持球队的声誉。
- If you continue to behave in this way, you will bring discredit on yourself. 如果你继续这样行事你会使自己败坏名声。
- My private information throws serious discredit on the accounts in the newspapers. 我私人的消息证明报纸上的叙述很不足令人置信。
- The storm cast the little rowboat on the rocks. 风暴把这条小划艇抛到岩石上。
- Did that bring discredit on us? No, China's image was not damaged. On the contrary, the prestige of our country is steadily growing. 难道因此中国的名誉就坏了吗?中国的形象并没有因此而变坏,我们的名誉还是一天比一天好起来。
- The fire cast a warm glow on the walls. 炉火映在墙上呈现一片融融红光。
- John vamped up a few rumors to discredit his enemy. 约翰编造一些谣言去中伤他的敌人。
- The tree cast its shadow on the wall. 树影映在墙上。