- cast iron swing check valve 铸铁回水阀
- Swing Check Valves Major Features. 旋启式止回阀主要特点。
- Swing Check Valves Product Line. 旋启式止回阀产品系列。
- Correct sizing of swing check valves is important. 旋启式止回阀通径的正确计算和选择非常重要。
- Crane cast steel swing check valves can be furnished with outside lever and adjustable weight when so ordered. 如果用户需要,美国克雷恩旋启式止回阀可以配置外置杠杆和调节压铁。
- In general a minimum of 10 pipe diameters of straight pipe should be provided upstream of a swing check valve to minimize adverse conditions. 通常,旋启式止回阀与上游部件的距离至少要有管道直径的10倍,这样才能够将反作用降到最小程度。
- The swing check valve can also be mounted to the vertical position, provided the disc should not reach the valve position. 旋转式止回阀也可以安装在垂直位置,此时阀瓣应该无法达到阀门的位置。
- Swing Check valves prevent reversal of flow through pipe lines. 旋启式止回阀可以防止管路中的流体倒流。
- Swing Check Valve bodies are ordinary hinge, there is a door the same as the free flap valve against the valve seat sloping surface. 旋启式止回阀有一介铰链机构,还有一个像门一样的阀瓣自由地靠在倾斜的阀座表面上。
- Certain system configurations involving direct connection of a Swing Check Valve to other flanged equipment may require consideration of this bolt clearance. 某些系统配置,包括旋启式止回阀直接连接到其他法兰设备的场合可能要求考虑这种螺栓所需要的间隔。
- Swing check valves are best suited for moderate velocity applications. 旋启式止回阀最适用于中流速应用环境。
- Mr Black was a man of cast iron will. 布莱克先生是个意志坚定的人。
- Marine cast iron flanged lift check valves 船用法兰铸铁止回阀
- Marine cast iron flanged stop check valves 船用法兰铸铁截止止回阀
- Wafer type double disc swing check valve 对夹双瓣旋启式止回阀
- Human beings have learned out how to make magnet of cast iron. 人类已经学会如何从生铁制出磁铁。
- Tilting Disc Check valves are similar to swing check valves. In most installations, slamming is minimized upon reversal of flow so noise and vibration are reduced. 翻转式阀瓣止回阀与旋启式止回阀类似。对于大多数安装的翻转式阀瓣止回阀,由于流体倒流造成的撞击程度最小,因此噪音和振动也有所减小。
- Swing Check Valve - Construction Specification 旋转式止回阀-结构规格说明
- There is no tendency for the seating surfaces of swing check valves to gall or score, because the disc meets the flat seat squarely without rubbing contact upon closing. 旋启式止回阀的阀座表面不存在磨损或刮伤的倾向,因为阀瓣与平面阀座相适应,不会在关闭时产生摩擦接触。