- catch bending off guard 使人措手不及;乘其不备
- His purpose is to catch us off guard. 他的目的是想让我们失去警惕。
- The pitfall is the trappings of success can catch you off guard. 陷阱就是,成功的表象来袭时,你可能猝不及防。
- Beware of the quiet ones; they always catch you off guard. 当心那些少言寡语的人,他们往往会乘你不备,出奇不意。
- Don't be off guard! You mustn't tell anything to him. 不要失去警惕,你一定不要告诉他任何事情。
- If you should be off guard, you would double the loss. 如果你粗心大意,你一定会加倍损失。
- The MiG then throttled back in an attempt to catch Risner off guard. 两人缠斗一阵后飞抵中方机场上空。地面防空炮火猛烈开火向美机射击。
- Seeing the opponent was off guard, the boxer landed a knockout punch. 乘对手不提防,那拳击手一下子把他击倒了。
- Caught off guard, the competition never caught up. 其竞争对手在未加提防情况下遭受重击,因而永远无法赶超。
- He struck me while I was off guard. 他乘我不备打了我。
- His purpose was to throw us off guard. 他的目的是想使我们失去警惕。
- I was caught off guard by his move. 他这一招真是让人猝不及防。
- The booing caught Derek Fisher off guard. 突如其来的嘘声让老鱼费舍尔措手不及。
- In the second that the boxer was off guard, his opponent landed a knock out punch. 拳击手未留意的那一刹那,对方即把他击倒了。
- For example, be on the lookout for limited data blocks or routine flights that can catch you off guard during busy sessions. 例如,注意有限的数据模块或日常的飞行,那能使你在对话繁忙的时候减少监控。
- No one tells us that the greatest moments of a lifetime are fleeting, unplanned and nearly always catch us off guard. 没有人告诉我们生活中最重要的时刻是那些飞驰而过的时刻,那些毫无准备,几乎总是令我们猝不及防的时刻。
- Do not bend off the PMAFLEX conduit directly after the connector. If necessary destine the direction with a system support or similar. 安装管接头的软管部分不要弯曲,如果定位请使用管夹或其他支撑。
- Do not bend off the PMAFLEX conduit directly after the fitting. If necessary destine the direction with a system support or similar. 安装接头的软管部分不要弯曲,如果定位请使用管夹或其他支撑。
- For example,be on the lookout for limited data blocks or routine flights that can catch you off guard during busy sessions. 例如,注意有限的数据模块或日常的飞行,那能使你在对话繁忙的时候减少监控。
- You mustn't be caught bending when Debbie's around or she'll quickly seize the advantage. 如果戴比在场在话,你一定不能被她抓住,否则她就会很快抓住这一有利机会的。