- the cationic starch microspheres 阳离子型淀粉微球
- cationic starch microspheres 阳离子淀粉微球
- The cationic starch size is found to be of antistatic property. 研究得出阳离子淀粉浆料自身具有抗静电性能。
- The anion starch microspheres(magnetic TSM) were made of magnetic ESM by the secondary polymerization and anionization using Na 3P 3O 9 as the cross linking agent. 以其为原料,用Na3P3O9作交联剂进行二次交联和阴离子化,得到一种阴离子型磁性淀粉微球(TSM,一种用三聚偏磷酸钠作交联剂的淀粉微球)。
- Cationic starch size was prepared by wet method with the property of size liquor and size film tested. 摘要应用湿法制备了阳离子淀粉浆料,测试了所得样品的浆液、浆膜性能。
- The absorption capacity of starch microspheres prepared using liquid olefin as solvent, epichlorohyrin as cross linker for the indigo carmine is the best. 其中,液体石蜡为溶剂、环氧氯丙烷为交联剂合成出的淀粉微球对靓蓝胭脂红吸附性能最好。
- Cationic starch, as a sort of important derivative of starch , has been studied for 40-years or more. 阳离子淀粉是一类重要的淀粉衍生物,迄今已有40余年的研究开发历史。
- The hydrophobically associating cationic starch(St-OA-AM-DMDAAC) is prepared by inverse suspension polymerization with redox initator. 采用氧化还原引发体系,通过反相悬浮聚合技术,进行四元St-OA-AM-DMDAAC聚合,合成疏水缔合阳离子淀粉;
- The graft copolymer of cationic starch and APAM with narrow molecular weight distribution was prepared and used for dry-strengthening agent. 用阳离子淀粉接枝窄相对分子质量阴离子聚丙烯酰胺制备干增强剂。
- The results showed that the curve of streaming potential indicated sharply the end point of titration for cationic starch. 结果表明流动电位曲线敏锐地指示了低电荷密度的阳离子淀粉胶体滴定的终点。
- In this paper the method of preparing cationic starch under substantially dry reaction conditions and its decolourization properties are studied. 研究了在基本干的反应条件下制备阳离子淀粉的方法及其脱色性能,确定了用氢氧化钠作催化剂时的最佳反应条件。
- When the guar gum and cationic starch mixed, the strengthening retention and drainage of the pulp are improved obviously. 瓜尔胶与阳离子淀粉混合使用,增强、助留助滤作用更明显。
- The production principle, the technological condition and process, the product quality and the analytical method of cationic starch were in troduced and discussed. 本文介绍了阳离子淀粉的生产原理、工艺条件、生产流程、产品质量和分析方法;
- In this paper, we used cationic starch with high degree of substitution as the flocculant, and the flocculation was satisfied when we put the starch into living sewage. 本文采用实验室研制的高取代度阳离子淀粉作为絮凝剂对造纸白水进行处理,获得良好的效果。
- The structure and property of 2,3 epoxypropyl trimethyl ammonium chloride, and the method of synthesizing cationic starch based on ETA and cornstarch are introduced in brief. 对2,3环氧丙基三甲基氯化铵(ETA)的结构和性质及以ETA和玉米淀粉为原料合成阳离子淀粉的方法进行了简要介绍。
- cross - linked starch microspheres 交联淀粉微球
- The best process conditions for the polymerization of cationic starch and narrow molecular weight APAM were sorted out in making a kind of dry-strengthening agent for paper. 采用阳离子淀粉与窄分子量阴离子聚丙烯酰胺接枝制备纸张增干强剂,优选出了最佳的合成工艺条件,并进行了应用试验,结果证明合成出的产品溶解性好,用量少,增强效果明显。
- The quality of cationic starch depends upon the reacting conditions such as the amounts of etherifying agent and sodium hydroxide, time, temperature, concentration. 自制阳离子淀粉的质量取决于醚化剂,氢氧化钠用量,醚化温度、浓度和时间等。
- The wet-end chemistry affecting sizing effect, such as sizing sequence, charge of alum, cationic starch and rosin emulsion size was studied in this paper. 对分散松香胶施胶过程中的湿部化学进行了初步的探讨,研究了硫酸铝、分散松香胶、阳离子淀粉等的用量以及施胶顺序对脑胶效果的影响。