- Q: To what extent is desire a causal factor? 什麽程度的欲望是决定的因素?
- LDL cholesterol is unlikely the sole or direct causal factor. LDL胆固醇不是唯一或者说是直接的病因。”
- Each causal factor is assigned to a tier of management responsibility. 每项因果要素被分配到管理责任的层叠。
- Responsibility is explicitly assigned for each root cause and causal factor. 责任明确的分配在每个根本原因和因果要素。
- These particular causal factors vary from patient to patient. 这些特殊的偶然因素因病人的不同而各有区别。
- For each causal factor in the cause-context summary, ask whether or not they stemmed directly from worker actions. 针对原因汇整中每一项因果要素,询问是否直接由工作人员处置所造成。
- The intention is to place each causal factor as high up the diagram as possible. 用来把每项因果要素尽可能摆在图中高处。
- These guidelines help investigators to assess whether or not a causal factor can be associated with a particular tier in the diagram. 这些原则协助调查人员评估因果要素是否与图中的特定层级相关。
- Both these techniques help to ensure that causal factor analysis looks beyond the immediate events that contribute to an incident. 这两项技术协助确保因果要素分析能够把即时发生的事件看的更深入。
- If a causal factor meets these criteria then an additional entry can be made to denote this finding in the Root Cause column of the tier diagram. 如果因果要素符合这些条件,那么就可将增加的项目填入层叠图中根本原因栏中。
- Conclusion: Increase of cerebral ammonia metabolism is an important but not exclusive causal factor for the development of hepatic encephalopathy. 结论:大脑氨代谢增加很重要,但不是肝性脑病发展的唯一决定因素。
- PICKERING T G.Mental stress as a causal factor in the development of hypertension and cardiovascular disease[J].Curr Hypertens Rep,2001(3):249-254. 李鹏.;情绪紧张激动在高血压发病中的作用[J]
- Logistic Analysis of Causal Factors of Craniomandibular Disorders(CMD)?? 颅下颌紊乱症病因的Logistic分析
- M: One of the many. For everything there are innumerable causal factors. 任何一个。每一事件的起因有如恒河沙数。
- By classifying a causal factor according to one of these categories, investigators are encouraged to recognise the wider problems that may stem from the associated root causes. 根据这些分类进行根本原因分级,调查人员受到鼓励去体认更广泛的问题,这些问题也许由相关的根本原因所引申出来的。
- Most importantly, observational studies cannot distinguish indicators of risk from causal factors. 最为重要的是观察性研究无法区分风险指标和偶然因素。
- You would not necessarily know the causal factors, but you would know where to search. 虽然你未必了解病因,但你知道从哪里着手调查。
- A species is in danger of extinction and whose survival is unlikely if the causal factors continue to operate. 有绝种危机的物种。若促成物种受威胁的原因持续,便难以存活下去。
- Causal factors that fall into the DO NOT KNOW class represent a failure in the training and selection of employees. 因果关系要素落在不知道等级,显示训练和选择员工上的错误。
- Compare each of the causal factors in the tier diagram against the definition of a root cause. 比较层叠图中每个因果要素与根本原因定义的不同。