- The story caused a stir in global markets. 该报道引起了国际市场的轰动。
- The nomination has caused a stir in China. 这项任命在中国引发很大的轰动。
- His arrest caused a stir in the legal community. 他的被捕引发了法律界的一阵骚乱。
- Spain has willows. What does it need to cause a stir? 问:西班牙在欧锦赛的成绩一直不好,你觉得我们需要怎样的转变呢?
- How the public and art critics will react is anyone"s guess.The only certainty is that Rolf"s painting will cause a stir - Royal portraits always do. 唯一可以肯定的是,罗尔夫的画作将会引起轰动,因为皇家画像总是如此。
- The suggestion caused a stir of interest in the class. 这建议在班级里激起了很大兴趣。
- Changes in the Chinese-language curriculum have caused a stir too. 中文(语文)课程的变化也掀起些许波澜。
- Don't get distracted : Direct your energy to the aspects of the redesign that are most likely to cause a stir, and be prepared to support your decisions. 不要面面俱到:调配好你手头的资源,确保将它们用在最有可能出彩的地方,而且一旦决定就要坚决执行。
- The news caused quite a stir in the village. 那消息在村里引起了一片混乱。
- The most prominent Muslim minister causes a stir at home and abroad. 能力最超群的穆斯林部长在国内。
- The famous painter Chen Yifei's works have caused a stir when exhibited abroad. 著名画家陈逸飞的油画已经在外国出展,引起了轰动。
- This time “compels by the money” is causes is not small causes a stir. 此次“以钱相逼”更是引起不小轰动。
- I confess that if I had set out to cause a stir,I would have succeeded completely,for my last bid was followed by a great silence,and people stared at me to see who this man was who seemed so intent on possessing the volume. 我承认,如果我是想要引人注意的话,那么我已经完全达到了目的,因为在这一次争着加码的时候,全场鸦雀无声,大家都瞅着我,想看看这位似乎一心要得到这本书的先生究竟是何等样人。
- I confess that if I had set out to cause a stir, I would have succeeded completely, for my last bid was followed by a great silence, and people stared at me to see who this man was who seemed so intent on possessing the volume. 我承认如果我是想要引人注意的话,那么我已经完全达到了目的,因为在这一次争着加码的时候,全场鸦雀无声,大家都瞅着我,想看看这位似乎一心要得到这本书的先生究竟是何等样人。
- The earthquake may cause a region to fall in. 地震可以使一个地区下陷。
- The book is going to cause a big stir in the world. 这本书将在全世界引起轰动。
- There was a stir of excitement as she entered the theatre. 她一走进剧院就引起了一阵兴奋。
- A recent news report I wrote about how a huge collection of Singapore books ended up in a library in Johor Bahru has caused a bit of a stir. 没想到,一篇关于新山书香楼的报道,引起的反响还不小。
- He made a big reshuffle with Chinese national team after taking over not long ago,causing a stir in badminton circles inside and outside and outside China. 他接任主教练后不久,对国家队作了一次大的人员调整,这在国内外羽毛球界引起了很大反响。
- So new claims of a latent anti-Semitism that led some Poles to commit crimes against Jews has caused a stir. 因此,对于潜藏的反犹主义所导致的一些波兰人对犹太人犯下了罪行的新观点引发了一场激烈的争论。