- It is an honour for a man to cease from strife: but every fool will be meddling. 远离分争,是人的尊荣。愚妄人都爱争闹。
- I think and think and cannot cease from thinking. 我想了又想,一直想个没完。
- A shut mouth keeps one from strife. 闭口不语使人避开争斗。
- When can we cease from our labours? 我们什么时候才能免除劳役之苦?
- I will not cease from mental fight. 我决不停息思想上的战斗。
- Humans are not capable to cease from sin. 人类不能停止一切罪恶。
- When worth is not honored the people may be kept from strife. 当相当价值没有荣幸时人民也许从冲突被保留。
- The two nations should cease from confronting each other. 两国应停止相互对抗。
- We could have avoided all this suffering, simply by shrinking from strife. 只要当时对鏖战望而怯步就可以回避这场苦难。
- Their immortal flowers springing where the soul is free from strife. 在灵魂远离纷争之处,他们不朽的生命之花在尽情怒放.
- Brahman! O my child! Cease from practising further penances. 婆罗门!我的孩子!请停止练习进一步的苦行。
- Cease from your evicting of My people, declares the Lord Jehovah. 这是主耶和华说的。
- Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. 当止住怒气,离弃忿怒。不要心怀不平,以致作恶。
- There the wicked cease from turmoil, and there the weary are at rest. 在那里恶人止息搅扰,困乏人得享安息
- Cease from anger and forsake wrath; Do not fret; it leads only to evildoing. 当止住怒气、离弃忿怒.不要心怀不平、以致作恶。
- He has ceased from his wickedness. 他已不做坏事了。
- The captain, who had so long been a cause of so much discomfort, was gone where the wicked cease from troubling. 那位长期以来一直闹得我们家不得安宁的船长,已经去了他再也闹不起来的地方。
- Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us. 你们要离弃正道,偏离直路。不要在我们面前,再题说以色列的圣者。
- God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on that day he ceased from all the work he had set himself to do. 上帝赐福于第七天,称之为圣日,因那天他要做的一切都已完成,无须工作了。
- You cease from your own doings.In your faintness, you fall upon the shoulder of some strong loved one. 你停止你自己的活动,你倒在你所爱的人身上,紧紧靠著他安息。