- If we lose sight of the goal, we cease to be Communists. 如果忘记了这个目标,我们就不再是共产党员了。
- Stag parties cease to be fun after a while. 清一色的男子汉聚会没过多久就变得索然无味了。
- If they become too hot, these complicated molecules of living things break up into their separate atoms and cease to be living. 如果生物的这些复杂的分子温度太高,它们就分裂成半个原予而不再生存。
- When you cease to astonished, you cease to be polished. 当你不再对外界的事物感到惊奇,那你停止进步也就没什么惊奇。
- The matter has ceased to be a mystery to anyone. 这件事对大家已不再是个谜了。
- Ask your self whether you are happy, and you cease to be so. 问自己是否幸福的人已无幸福可言。
- Albania lost its throne (ie ceased to be a monarchy) after the war. 阿尔巴尼亚於战後废除了君主制。
- Once people retire they automatically cease to be union members. 人们一旦退休就自动不再是工会会员。
- One may be poor but never ceases to be ambitious. 人穷志不穷。
- Pleasures cease to be pleasurable when they start to enslave you. 当消遣开始左右你时,你不会再感到快乐。
- If we lose sight of this goal,we cease to be Communists. 如果看不到[忘了]这个目标,我们就不是共产党员了。
- As of March 10, we ceased to be husband and wife. 自3月10日始,我俩已断绝夫妻关系。
- The story has ceased to be novel. 那故事已不再是新鲜的了。
- Soon the romantic "wild west" has ceased to be. 译文:不久,浪漫蒂克的“西部荒原”,便烟消云散了。
- Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions. 谬论不会因为它变得流行而不再荒谬。
- But equally we cease to be Communists if we relax our efforts of today. 然而放松今日的努力,也就不是共产党员。
- When the rate of interest is expected to change, they cease to be identical. 当预计利率要发生变化时,它们就不再是等同的。
- No one who has been a socialist can ever cease to be one. 一个人一旦成为社会主义者就永远不可能改变。
- And maybe in this dream, death too would cease to be immanent in life. 可能在这个梦想中,死亡也将不再是生命的一部分。
- Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be ere one can say 'It lightens. 它太仓卒、太轻率、太出人意外了,正像一闪电光,等不及人家开一声口,已经消隐了下去。