- The economic development of Wenshou encountered a series of " negative ceiling effect" for the last years and needs to develop a new model. 近年来,温州经济发展遭遇到了“天花板效应”,亟须创新发展模式。
- Because taunt is resistable and timing is subject to errors, however, encountering the aggro ceiling effect is a definite possibility. 就是说MT的仇恨不能不断的增长下去。
- Some chandeliers are suspended from the ceiling. 几盏枝形吊灯从天花板悬吊下来。
- This ceiling has a carved panel. 这块天花板带有刻花镶板。
- Big lights hung from the ceiling. 天花板上吊着几盏大吊灯。
- I nearly hit the ceiling when you spoke. 你一开口就吓了我一大跳。
- He cracked his nut on the ceiling. 他的头让天花板碰破了。
- My bedroom is a large room with a high ceiling. 我的卧室是一个天花板很高的大房间。
- Punishment had very little effect on him. 惩罚对他没有什么效果。
- Mind you don't bump your head on the low ceiling. 天花板很低,留神别碰头。
- It's certain that every effect must have a cause. 无疑,每个结果必定有其原因。
- The lamp was suspended from the ceiling. 灯吊在天花板上。
- That measure will be carried into effect very soon. 这项措施将在最近付诸实施。
- Painting the ceiling was a tough nut to crack. 油漆天花板是件难事。
- My plan has not been carried out with effect. 我的计划未被有效地执行。
- There are two light fixtures on the ceiling. 屋顶上有两盏固定吊灯。
- The room shows off her paintings to good effect. 这个房间把她绘画的优点充分显示出来。
- A new ceiling has recently been fixed on pay. 最近对工资规定了新的最高限额。
- She left the lantern pendent from the ceiling. 她让灯笼从屋顶上吊著。
- Her words had a soothing effect. 她的话起了安慰的作用。