- Development report of rule of law in China III. 中国法治发展报告2。
- cell of rule of law 法治细胞
- As legal profession,lawyers,together with its social image,play an important role in the process of rule of law. 作为法律职业群体的重要一员,律师及其社会形象的问题在法治进程中相当重要。
- Occidental Tradition of Rule of Law can be traced back to ancient Greece and Rome and is derived from the unique mediaeval historical experience. 西方法治主义传统可以溯及古希腊罗马,是中世纪独特历史经验的产物。
- However, the development of the idea of rule of law in some extent prevented the regression from "organic state" to autarchy. 不过,“法治国家”思想的发展在某种程度上防止了“有机国家”向绝对主义国家的回归。
- At the same time, Transparency is also a chief merit of Rule of Law, offering significant reference for Rule of Law in China. 同时,透明度原则也是法治的基本特征之一,对于实现我国法治具有非常重要的意义和作用。
- The human based theory will provide spiritual dynamism and intelligent resource for the construction of rule of law in China. 以人为本为中国的法治建设提供精神动力和智慧性资源。
- It can be truly applied in the practice through systematic constitutionalization and reform in the idea and principle of rule of law of cri... 只有实现刑法的系统宪法化和法治化、宪法的司法化,它才能真正地在刑事法治实践中得到贯彻。
- The problem reflects the misplacement of rule of law principal in a deep level and is the biggest problem of affirmation judgment at present. 该问题从深层次反映我国法治理念的错位,是目前确认判决制度存在的最大问题。
- This surely leaves some space for the study on the field of administration of rule of law and administrative performance in the administrative law theory. 这当然给行政法治、行政执法领域的行政法学理论研究提供了空间。
- However, it led CPC's lots of mistakes in leadership patters in a long period due to our mistake cognition on leadership's show, and finally select the strategy of rule of law. 然而,由于对党的领导如何体现没有一个十分明确的认识,而导致了中共在执政后相当一段时期领导方式上的种种失误,最终选择了依法治国的方略;
- The construction of rule of law is complement with the construction of morals.By rite, proprieties can change morals principle into person's behavior norm. 在现代可以发掘礼的合理价值使之能够与法互相补充共同成为现代社会的控制手段。
- Since the reform and opening up, the standard of rule of law has improved to a great degrees, better still is the systematization of public supervision and other aspects. 改革开放以来,我国的法治化程度大有提高,在行政法治化和公共监督制度化等方面更是有了长足的进步。
- The route of rule of law in China differs with that of the West.In China it occurs ectogenic and late, while it arises earlier and endogenetic in the west. 与西方法治的“先发内生”路径不同,中国行进的是“外发后生”型法治路径。
- After the idea of rule of law internalizes for universal recognition, the judicature in the structure of society has been deeply expected to solve many social problems. 当法治的理念内化为人们的普遍共识后,司法在社会治理结构中被寄予了解决诸多社会问题的无限期望。
- But in China folk law has been in the real life.And in the process of rule of law in China, controversy about Westernization and localization has existed in academe all the time. 但与此同时作为古老传统遗留的中国民间法却一直存在于现实生活中,并且在中国法治进程中,学界对西化及本土化的争议也一直存在。
- Democracy is predicated upon the rule of law. 民主是以法制为基础的。
- Why Anti-interpretation in the Rule of Law? 法治为什么反对解释?
- The Rule of Law and Policy of Wind Power in U.S.A. 美国风力发电法规和政策。
- Relationships often trump the rule of law. 关系往往凌驾于法律之上。