- cement mixed weight 水泥掺入量
- Research on property of cement mixed with magnetized water. 磁化水影响水泥性能的研究。
- The regression on tensile strength with portland cement mixed with fiber was derived using orthogonal experiment. 通过正交试验,建立了关于纤维水泥土抗拉强度与纤维掺量、度间的数学关系。
- Stir Baileys and Advocaat and strain into snifter (NO ICE). Pour lime into middle of mixture. Swirl glass until you get a cement mix. 搅合百利甜和蛋黄;滤入不加冰的白兰地杯.;将莱姆糖浆倒入原料中间;正东杯子;使原料充分混合
- According to the quality problems of cement mixed piles the advantages and disadvantages of several applicative inspection methods are introduced. 针对水泥系搅拌桩易出现的质量问题,介绍了几种实用的水泥系搅拌桩成桩检测方法。
- Uncovered many brick fragments, few hard pottery and porcelain fragments. The remain of cement mixed with broken brick for strengthen purpose was found. 出现不少砖瓦遗物,硬陶、瓷片数量较少,将砖块敲碎后混入水泥固化柱础遗迹。
- Non-shrink grout material is based on Portland cement mixed with compound admixture and graded aggregate. It is character ized of non-shrink, high flow ability and high strength. 是一种以水泥为胶结材、配以复合外加剂和特制骨料,现场加水搅拌后即可使用,具有无收缩、大流动性、高强特性的专用灌浆料,不含氯离子。
- In this paper, the effects of calcination temperature, holding time and content of dolomite on the strength and expansion rate of cement mixed with calcined dolomite were investigated. 研究了白云石的煅烧温度、保温时间以及掺量等因素对水泥物理性能和膨胀行为的影响.;结果发现;随着白云石煅烧温度的提高;水泥石的强度降低;膨胀率增大;
- In this paper, the effects of calcination temperature, holding time and content of dolomite on the strength and expansion rate of cement mixed with calcined dolomite are investigated. 研究了白云石的煅烧温度、保温时间以及掺量等对水泥物理性能和膨胀行为的影响规律。
- Conclusions: 1.There was few influence on the physical and mechanical properties of 20g domestic bone PMMA cement mixed with cephradine powder or demethylvancomycin powder less than 1.0g. 结 论: 1.;20g国产 PMMA骨水泥中加入不大于1g的头孢拉啶粉剂或盐酸去甲万古霉素粉剂对其物理和力学性能影响不大;
- A composite pile is a new pile which is made of a cement mixing pile and a reinforced concrete core pile(RCCP). 组合桩是由搅拌桩和钢筋混凝土芯桩组合而成的新型桩,为掌握组合桩和组合桩复合地基承载力的特性,进行了六根桩的荷载试验。
- The author introduce the application of cement mixing pile and composite soil nailing wall in a foundation pit. 通过搅拌桩喷锚复合土钉墙支护在某基坑的应用实例分析,介绍搅拌桩加喷锚复合土钉墙的施工工艺及应用效果。
- The construction and test of gnawing pile with cement mixing are presented.This kind of pile was applied to road soil treatment engineering. 摘要介绍了某立交桥引道地基处理工程中,水泥土搅拌桩与水泥土搅拌咬合桩共同加固软土地基的施工工艺与检测方法。
- The cement mixing method(CMM) is widely applied in the soft caly modification of inshore highway engineering especially,where the marine soft clay is sedimentated. 我国沿海高速公路绝大部分修建在软土地基上,而水泥土搅拌桩被广泛地应用于该地区软基处理的工程实践中。
- Additional, the influence of compactive effort, cement mixing ratio and initial water content on microstructure has the same reflection as on macro mechanical property. 此外,夯击能、掺入比、初始含水量的影响在微观结构方面有着与宏观力学指标一致的体现。
- To the present, it has not been seen the special publication of literat ure on the result of the comparison test of the quick and slow loading methods o f cement mixing piles. 水泥搅拌桩快速荷载法与慢速荷载法对比试验结果,目前尚未见到文献专门报道。
- LIU Guo-pin,ZHU Yao-hua.Retaining wall support for cement mixing pile of foundation pit of Jinguang center building in Ningbo[J].Zhejiang Hydrotechnics,1999,(sup.):14-15. [19]刘国品;朱耀华.;宁波市金光中心基坑水泥搅拌桩挡墙支护[J]
- He has mixed with crowd together but has not found. 他已同人群混杂在一起而找不到了。
- The competition entries were a very mixed bag. 参赛者是错落不齐的大杂烩。