- "Is that how you would describe your religion in census paper?" asked Weeks, in mild tones. “你在人口调查表上就是这么填写你的宗教信仰吗?”威克斯用温和的语调问。
- The census paper tells a lot. 人口调查表说明很多问题。
- His sooty hand smudged the paper. 他被煤烟熏污的手把纸弄脏了。
- This country has just carried out a census. 这个国家刚刚进行过人口普查。
- All its stock in trade is glossy paper backs. 该店的全部现货是光面的平装书。
- Hard copy is computer output on paper, printing or graphics. 硬拷贝是出现在纸上、印刷上或图表上的电脑输出。
- The name and address of the firm are embossed on its paper. 商号的名字和地址凸印在信笺上。
- In the United States there is a census every ten years. 在美国每十年做一次户囗调查。
- The paper has a wide readership. 该报拥有广泛的读者。
- The boy is daubing a piece of paper with red ink. 那孩子正在用红墨水在纸上乱涂。
- I take a peck at my neighbor paper. 我偷看隔壁的考卷。
- According to the latest census, our population has increased. 根据最近调查,我国的人口有增加。
- The letter was written on a single sheet of paper. 这封信只用一张纸写成。
- The little girl drew a square on the paper. 小女孩在纸上画了一个正方形。
- The census is taken one time every four years in our country. 我国每四年一次人口普查。
- The mill where we often labour is a paper mill. 我们经常劳动的工厂是造纸厂。
- That paper has yellowed with age. 那张纸因年代久远而泛黄了。
- At the 1985 census there were 230 chicken farms in the area. 据一九八五年的调查,该地区有二百三十个养鸡场。
- The wind twitched the paper out of my hand. 一阵风把我手中的报纸刮跑了。
- Would you please give me a piece of paper? 能给我一张纸吗?