- The company exports its products to Central and Eastern Europe. 这个公司的产品出口到中欧和东欧地区。
- The Toco Toucan lives in central and eastern South America. 托科巨嘴鸟生活在南美中部和西部地区。
- Some lending in central and eastern Europe has been particularly dodgy. 一些贷向欧洲中东部地区的资金更是难以厘清。
- central and eastern states 中、东欧国家
- A small, harmless burrowing snake (Carphophis amoena) of the central and eastern United States, usually living under stones or logs and feeding chiefly on earthworms. 蠕蛇,盲蛇:一种小型无毒穴居蛇(蠕蛇游蛇科),产于美国中部和东部地区,通常居于石头或木块下面,主要以食蚯蚓为生
- The persistent refusal by eurozone policymakers to concede fast-track euro accession for central and eastern member states could yet prove destabilising. 欧元区决策者一直拒绝让中东欧成员国走上加入欧元区的快车道,这可能影响了稳定。
- The State will support the construction of institutions of higher learning in the region and expand enrollment there by colleges and universities in central and eastern regions. 对西部地区高等学校建设予以支持,扩大东、中部地区高校在西部地区的招生规模。
- Many of these immigrants were now coming from central and eastern Europe. 其中有许多移民来自中欧和东欧。
- The International Masters in Economy, State and Society (IMESS) with reference to Central and Eastern Europe is a graduate programme offered by a consortium of l... 在经济,国家与社会(IMESS)国际参考中欧和东欧的大师是一个研究生课程由欧洲领先的大学财团提供。
- In 1853 for the central and western and eastern parts of the typesetter. 1853年后在中西部和东部作排字工人。
- Nuclear legislation in central and eastern Europe and the NIS: 2000 overview. 中欧、东欧和新独立国家的核法律:2000年综述...[中国核科技信息与经济研究院
- Governments that still have large budget deficits, notably in central and eastern Europe, must wield the axe. 财政赤字依然较大的政府,特别是中东欧国家,必须挥起利斧,采取果断措施。
- A primitive, bony freshwater fish(Amia calva)of central and eastern North America, with a long, spineless dorsal fin. 弓鳍鱼北美洲中部和东部的一种原始、多骨的淡水鱼(弓鳍鱼弓鳍鱼属),具有长的无脊的背鳍
- A primitive,bony freshwater fish(Amia calva)of central and eastern North America,with a long,spineless dorsal fin. 弓鳍鱼北美洲中部和东部的一种原始、多骨的淡水鱼(弓鳍鱼弓鳍鱼属),具有长的无脊的背鳍
- A primitive,bony freshwater fish(Amia calva)of central and eastern North America,with a long.spineless dorsal fin. 弓鳍鱼北美洲中部和东部的一种原始、多骨的淡水鱼(弓鳍鱼弓鳍鱼属),具有长的无脊的背鳍
- Now, the dam seems to be causing the opposite problem, spurring drought in central and eastern China. 现在,大坝似乎带来了相反的问题,它引起了中国中东部地区的干旱。
- A primitive, bony freshwater fish(Amia calva) of central and eastern North America, with a long, spineless dorsal fin. 弓鳍鱼北美洲中部和东部的一种原始、多骨的淡水鱼(弓鳍鱼弓鳍鱼属),具有长的无脊的背鳍
- She tells us from New Delhi that some of the most successful programs are in parts of the central and Eastern Indian. 她告诉来自新德里的我们中部和东部印度的一些成功的方法。
- She tells us from New Delhi that some of the most successful programs are in parts of central and eastern India. 身处新德里的她告诉我们:最成功的一些案例发生在印度的东部和中部。
- Jillian Poole of Virginia started the Fund for Arts and Culture in Central and Eastern Europe in nineteen ninety-one. 该中心说他筹集资金在巴基斯坦和阿富汗建立了64所学校。