- How Does the Central China Rise? 中部地区如何崛起?
- ITG's rising expenses also concern some analysts. ITG不断增长的经营费用也令一些分析师担忧。
- Wuhan is the most important city in central china. 武汉是中国中部最重要的城市。
- Central China Electric Power Group Co. 中国华中电力集团公司。
- Solving the nuclear crisis of North Korea peaceably makes a neglected sensitive role to China"s rising peacefully. 朝核危机的和平解决对中国和平崛起具有不可忽视的积极作用。
- China and Sub-Saharan Africa in the Context of China"s Rise: A Win-Win Relationship? 论文标题:中国崛起背景下的中国与撒哈拉以南非洲:一种双赢的关系?
- A PEDICURIST in a mountain town in central China has become a heroine to many of the country’s internet-users and a bane to many bureaucrats. 中国中部山城的一位女修脚师已成为中国众多互联网用户崇拜的英雄,也成为了众多官吏的噩梦。
- America cannot peacefully accommodate China‘s rise because it subverts our role as the world‘s lone superpower. 美国不‘静观容忍’中国的崛起,因为这‘将’破坏我们作为世界唯一超级强权的角色。
- Today most parts of Central China will have thundershowers. 今天华中大部分地区有雷阵雨。
- Taking the Chenzhou City of Hunan province as an example, the Chenzhou Mode of small and medium-sized cities rising in central China is introduced in the paper. 以湖南省郴州市为例,介绍了中部地区中小城市崛起已初具雏形的郴州模式。
- To speak of China’s “rise” is to suggest its reemergence.It can also imply a recovery from some kind of slump or period of quietude. 那时日本野心勃勃的军事统帅丰臣秀吉派遣一支强大的舰队和地面部队侵略朝鲜,希望灭亡朝鲜、夺取进入中国这一最大战利品的通道。
- It is thicker than O's rose water. 正是江南好风景,落花时节又逢君。
- Review the past and look to the future, we must unswervingly promote scientific development, strive to achieve the rise of Central China. 回顾过去、展望未来,我们必须坚定不移地推动科学发展、奋力实现中原崛起。
- As a province of central China, how to grasp the opportunity of "central rise" and quicken economic development steps is worth discussion for Hunan. 作为中部省份之一的湖南,如何抓住中部崛起的机遇,加快经济发展步伐,是值得探讨的一个问题。
- Whether the international environment is good for China s rise or not,it firstly depends on China s peripheral geopolitics and security environment. 中国崛起的国际环境是否有利,首先取决于中国周边的地缘政治经济和地缘安全环境。
- Balance of Water in Rice Paddy and Irrigation Rate in Central China. 华中地区稻田水分平衡和稻作灌溉生产效率。
- Of making meat dumplings they observed when they were living in central China. 在中原时包饺子的习俗。
- Mahayana Buddhism entered Central China, inhabited by the Han nationality. 世纪,大乘佛教传人汉人居住的中原地区。
- Baker: It’s three pence now, boy, bread’s risen in price. 面包师:小伙子,现在面包涨价了,三便士一个。