- Real-time database orienting application analysis on centralized power control station 面向应用分析的电力集控站实时数据库
- centralized power control 集中功率控制
- Power control schemes for TDMA/FDMA/CDMA cellular mobile systems can be centralized or distributed depending on the nature of control. 基地站台规划是蜂巢式无线通讯系统中重要且复杂的问题。为了达到最佳的基地站台配置,系统设计者必须了解电磁波传播特性。
- Modern EV was centralized outcome in the newest production of auto, power drag, power control, chemistry, new energy sources, new material and computer. 现代电动车集光、机、电化领域的最新技术于一体,是汽车、电力拖动、电控、化学、计算机、新能源、新材料等工程技术中最新成果的集中产物。
- Two of these supra regional control centers are configured as backup control centers for the central power system control center. 其中的两个区域控制中心是作为中央电力系统控制中心的后援控制中心而配置。
- Installed wigh power control device to ensure safety. 设有电控安全保护装置,操作绝对安全。
- Power control unit is the key part of control system. 功率控制单元是控制系统的核心部件。
- Pray for the centralized power of the Lebanese government to be established, and that all acts of terrorism would stop. 祷告黎巴嫩政府的中央权力能被建立,所有恐怖主义的行动会终止。
- The invention discloses a gate driving circuit and a power control circuit. 本发明公开了一种栅极驱动电路与电源控制电路。
- They centralized power, eliminated rival parties, attacked religion, established secret police forces and sent dissenters to labour camps. 他们进行中央集权,铲除竞争对手,打击宗教,建立秘密警力,将异议者关在劳改所里。
- Bulgaria enters World War I as one of the Central Powers. 1915年的今天,保加利亚作为同盟国加入第一次世界大战。
- Thus it is of vital importance to upholding the centralized power of the Party and unity of the state and safeguarding the authority of the CPC Central Committee. 维护党和国家的集中统一,维护中央的权威,是极端重要的。
- Present a design of the Emissive Microwave Power Control used for the UHF RFID Reader. 介绍一种用于适用于超高频段以上的射频读写器功率控制方案。
- The nations allied against the Central Powers of Europe during World War I. They were Russia, France, Great Britain, and later many others, including the United States. 协约国在第一次世界大战期间与欧洲同盟国对抗的结盟国家,有俄国、法国、英国,后来又有包括美国的其它很多国家,
- At present, with the fact of highly centralized power, it is urgent to strengthen the construction of socialist democracy so as to build a harmonious society. 在现阶段,面对权力高度集中的事实,亟待解决的问题是加强社会主义民主制度建设,为构建和谐社会创设政治前提。
- They brought state-of-the-art technology to the task of mobilizing their base, and centralized power in the House of Representatives in order to enhance party discipline. 他们应用这种艺术级别的政治活动方式来动员基层党员,而且为了加强党纪,他们将势力集中在众议院中。
- This power control automation system will realize telemeter, tele-signaling, tele-control and tele-regulation in power network. 这种电力控制自动系统可实现电网中的遥测、遥信、遥控和遥调。
- Sum of active power control ranges of the generating sets acted upon by the system regulator. 系统调节器作用的各发电机组有功功率调节范围的总和。
- And Chiang Kai-shek became the winner in the reestablishment of central power in the end. 这是党权内争、党权与军权博弈之结果。