- centralized importation system 集中进口制度
- Using importation system of infinitely variable speed,can adjust productional speed. 采用进口无级变速系统,可调节生产速度。
- The Bona Fide Acquisition(BFA) is an important system in Real Law. 善意取得制度是物权法上的一项重要制度。
- The hydrogenlike atom is the single most important system in quantum chemistry. 类氢原子在量子化学中是独特的而最重要的体系。
- Immune system is a very important system to maintain homeostasis in body. 免疫系统是维持机体自身稳定的一个重要系统。
- With all the ups and downs the Kremlin had learned the central importance of the U.S.Soviet relationship. 面对风云变幻的世界,克里姆林宫已懂得美苏关系的极端重要性。
- Another issue where intertemporal tradeoffs are of central importance concerns the desirable rate of capital formation. 跨期权衡领域的另一个重要问题关注的是资本构成的合意尺度。
- Protein emulsion system is one of the important systems in food science. 蛋白质乳浊液体系是食品中最重要的体系之一。
- "These results support the central importance of vagal mediation in cardiac function. 这些结果支持迷走神经调节对心脏功能的重要性。
- Understanding what managers do and how they do it is of central importance to understanding how a society works and how it creates wealth. 理解管理者做什么以及他们是怎么做的,对于理解社会如何运作以及如何创造财富是非常重要的。
- Good faith acquisition of movables is a very important system established in the Property Rights Law to secure the transaction of movables. 摘要动产善意取得制度是物权法上为维护动产物权交易安全而建立的一项重要制度。
- It reflects a deep-seated faith in the central importance of the Middle Kingdom and a conviction that China will not be hemmed in by outsiders. 它反映出一种根深蒂固的对“中央王国”核心重要性的信条,也反映出一种信念:中国不会受到外人的束缚。
- Eurodollar is an important system creation in the world economy and the monetary history. 欧元是世界经济与货币史上的重要制度创新。
- Those opposing him, those who had disrupted the church in Galatia, were trying to make circumcision and the Old Testament law of central importance. 那些攻击他的人,那些在加拉太教会制造纷争的人,都想把割礼和旧约律法奉为首要的核心。
- The countercharge, an important system in the civil action, is a basic litigious right the defendant has. 摘要反诉是民事诉讼中一项重要的制度,它是被告所享有的民事诉权,也是一项基本诉讼权利。
- Patent is an important system for accelerating the development of technology and the glory of the economy. 专利权制度是近代为推动技术进步、经济繁荣而作出的一项重要制度设计。
- In recent years, the concept of performance has begun to assume central importance in the orientation of increasing numbers of folklorists and others interested in verbal art. 近几年来,越来越多的民俗学家和对口头艺术感兴趣的研究者将表演这一概念定位在重要的位置。
- Teaching quality assurance system is an important system to ensure the quality of teaching. 教学质量保障体系是确保教学质量的重要系统。
- Imports ADODB.Connection Imports ADODB.Recordset Imports ADODB.CursorLocationEnum Imports System. DBNull 函数IsDBNull的来源 Class ADOAccess Private mCnnDB As New ADODB.
- In fact, there was general agreement that minds can exist on nonbiological substrates and that algorithms are of central importance to the existence of minds. 实际上,学术界广泛持有“思想可以在非生物基础上存在”这样的观点,以及“算法是思想之所以存在的最重要核心”这个观点。