- Parking is difficult in the centre of the city. 在市中心停放车辆是很困难的。
- His practice is in the centre of the city. 他的事务所位於市中心.
- This is the shopping centre of the city. 这是该市的商业中心。
- The square squats in the centre of the city. 广场位于市中心。
- The cab speeded them into the centre of the city. 出租汽车载着他们迅速驶往市中心。
- The monument stands bang in the centre of the city. 纪念碑恰好位于城市的中心。
- We live in the centre of the city. 我们住在该城市中心。
- The centre of the city is spotlessly clean . 该市中心极其干净。
- The streets in the centre of the city were choked up with traffic. 市中心的街道被车辆堵塞了。
- The centre of the city is spotlessly [stainlessly] clean. 市中心一尘不染干干净净。
- Police collared suspected drug dealers in the centre of the city. 警察在市中心逮捕了贩毒嫌犯。
- The centre of the city has been blasted by repeated bombing. 该市中心已被反复的爆炸炸毁了。
- The buildings near the centre of the city get more run-down. 城市中心的建筑物情况逐渐变坏。
- I have a plan for the reconstruction of the city centre. 我有一个重建城市中心的计划。
- There stands the Bell Tower in the centre of the city. 位于市中心的是钟楼。
- There was no time to go into the centre of the city. 没有时间到市中心去了。
- I live in the centre of the city so I'm used to heavy traffic. 我住在市中心,所以我习惯了繁忙的交通。
- The new library was built in the centre of the campus. 新图书馆建在校园的中心。
- A deep gorge separates the two halves of the city. 有一道深谷把这座城市分成两部分。
- The main streets in the centre of the city are always very congested. 城市中心的街道总是很拥挤。