- A Success Maintenance of Centrifugal Multistage Pump 一次成功的多级泵维护
- centrifugal multistage pump 多级离心泵
- The flows within the entire system must be carefully balanced in large scale and long distance water diversion projects with multistage pump stations. 为了保证大型长距离多级泵站引水工程运行中全系统的流量平衡,建立了全系统的仿真模型。
- It is shown after analysis that the efficiency of roto-jet pump is higher than theefficiency of multistage pump and express pump when it operates in the region of low dis-charge and high lift. 通过分析得出旋喷泵在小流量和高扬程工况下运行时,效率高于多级泵和高速泵,在研究旋喷泵集流管与叶轮匹配及集流管扩散段损失的基础上,给出了设计扩散管水力参数的公式。
- Improvement Design for Traditional Multistage Pump 传统多级泵的改进设计
- multistage pump = multi-stage pump 多级泵
- Abstract In adopting API method, the kinetic model of a multistage pumping rod system was simplified into mul tiple lumped masses connected in series by springs. 采用API方法时,把多级抽油杆系统动力学模型简化成由多个弹簧串联多个集中质量。
- By analysis and comparasion, it is proved that the newly simplified kinetic model of the multistage pumping rod system is more accurate and more reasonable than the kinet... 经分析和比较证实,现简化的多级抽油杆系统动力学模型比用前方法简化的长冲程抽油机的系统动力学模型更为精确合理。
- A new method for calculating the aperture and roughness of fissure, and the effective radius of groundwater by using the response curve of a multistage pumping test is presented. 利用从层流到紊流的多阶段稳定压水试验的压力-流量曲线反算裂隙张开度、粗糙度及地下水影响半径等裂隙参数。
- Technical performance parameter sheet for DL type multistage pump DL型立式多级离心泵性能参数表
- Keywords Multistage Pump;Installation;Interstice Adjustmetn; 多级泵;安装;间隙调整;
- Belt-driven centrifugal suction charging pump. 皮带传动喷淋泵。
- The reasons of unusal axial moving in multistage centrifugal pump were analyzed. 对多级离心泵产生异常轴向移动的原因进行了分析。
- Hydrostatic bearing can solve the equilibrium problem of axial force of multistage centrifugal pump satisfactorily. 液体静压支承技术可以很好地解决多级离心泵轴向力的平衡问题。
- Analysis of Optimum Axial Gap of Balance Disk of Split Multistage Pump 分段式多级水泵平衡盘轴向最佳间隙的分析
- Analysis on Clearance Flow and Rigidity for A Balance Disc of Multistage Pump 多级泵平衡盘间隙流动及刚度分析
- A tyre expands when you pump air into it. 轮胎一打气就鼓起来。
- Calculation on the optimum radius of the balancing disc for multistage pump 多级泵平衡盘最佳径向尺寸的计算
- Lashing velocity of pump is concerned with nature of air. 泵的抽气速率与气体的性质有关。
- The centrifugal force of a rotating object decreases when it slows dwon. 旋转物体的离心力在减速时降低。