- Centrifuge model test is an effective approach to study the issues related to geotechnical earthquake engineering. 摘要离心机模型试验是研究岩土地震工程问题的有效手段。
- Centrifuge Model Test for Stability of Plastic Film Water - tight Facing on Dam of Regulating Reservoir of Yangquan Power Station No. 阳泉二电厂调蓄水库土工膜防渗层稳定性离心模型试验。
- The comparison between the load-settlement relation curves of the FEM model and that of the centrifuge model test verifies the validity of the model. 有限元分析与离心机模型试验荷载沉降曲线的一致性验证了该模型的有效性。
- The consolidation settlement of the dredger fill under deadweight in Lingangxincheng area of Shanghai is studied using large strain theory and a centrifuge model test. 基于大变形理论和离心模型试验对上海临港新城地区冲填土自重固结沉降进行分析研究。
- In this paper, the state-of-art of suction caisson research by use of centrifuge modeling is reviewed with a focus on the mooring capacity of the foundation under different loading conditions. 综述了国内外已开展的海洋平台吸力式基础的离心模型试验研究,重点讨论了应用离心机模拟吸力式基础承载特性的研究现状。
- In this paper, the deformation and failure mechanism of mix piles and bored piles combined fender construction, bored piles fender construction are analyzed in geotechnical centrifuge model test. 摘要采用土工离心模拟试验,分析了搅拦桩和灌注桩复合围护结构以及灌注桩(无搅拦桩)围护两种情况的变形破坏机理。
- Based on dimensional analysis, a number of dimensionless groups that governed the performance of the quay wall were investigated, identified and used to design and interpret centrifuge model tests. 基于模拟挖掘机开挖沟槽的离心模型试验结果,建立沟槽槽壁许可破坏模式及速度场,利用极限分析上限法求解开挖深度上限解。
- The working state and deformation property of the structure of sheet-piled wharf renovated by the barrier pile project at berths 14, 15 of Jingtang harbor were studied with centrifuge model tests. 摘要结合京唐港(上标%23)14、(上标%23)15泊位板桩码头升级改造工程,运用离心模型试验技术对采用遮帘桩方案进行改造的码头结构受力状态和变形特点展开研究。
- D. Su and X. S. Li (2006). “Centrifuge modeling of pile foundation under multi-directional earth-quake loading”, Accepted by International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, August 2006. 苏栋;李相菘(2006).;“砂土自由场地震响应的离心机试验研究
- geotechnical centrifuge model test 土工离心模型试验
- geosynthetic centrifuge model test 土工离心模型试验
- This paper investigated, by centrifugal modeling test, the transformative characteristic and the internal destructive-mode of the reinforcing retaining wall with rigid faceplate. 摘要通过土工离心模型试验,研究了刚性面板加筋档土墙的变形特徵及其内在破坏模式。
- This paper was undertaken to investigate,by centrifugal modeling test,the character of settlement and stability of picket abutment backfill with soft ground. 通过离心模型试验研究了三维应力-应变状态下,软土地基上桩承式桥台台背回填土和加筋材料的变形规律及破坏特征。
- Bearing capacity and settlement of super large pile-cap and pile foundation were thoroughly analyzed with numerical analytical results validated by centrifugal model test. 在用离心模型试验成果验证数值分析的正确性下,用其数值分析成果进一步深入分析群桩基础的承载变形特性。
- Centrifugal Model Test (CMT)is playing a more and more important role in engineering construction nowadays beacuse it can simulate the self-gravity stress field directly. 离心模型试验由于其可以直观的模拟自重应力场,在工程建设中起到越来越重要的作用。
- Centrifuge modeling of copper ionic migration in unsaturated soils 铜离子在非饱和土中迁移的离心模型试验研究
- Standing by him was a model worker. 站在他旁的是一位劳动模范。
- Diana is modeling for a fashion show. 戴安娜正在时装表演会上当模特。
- Centrifuge modeling of sea dike and pile groups in a habour 深水港码头围堤和群桩结构的离心模型试验
- I think I can get that special model for you. 我想我可以为你找到那种特别的型号。