- cephalic foramen 头孔
- posterior cephalic foramen 后头孔
- Resecton of Tomors of the Foramen Magnum. 枕骨大孔区肿瘤切除术------玉琦
- Having a relatively long head with a cephalic index below76. 长头的指头盖骨指数在76以下的
- Having a short,broad head with a cephalic index over80. 短头的具有一个颅指数超过80的短而阔的头的
- Specialized obturator foramen type of Flexible Neoprene. 专用密封闭孔弹性氯丁橡胶。
- Unilateral cases may involve obstruction of the foramen of Monro. 也有特例是蒙罗氏小孔阻塞引起的。
- Having a short, broad head with a cephalic index over80. 短头的具有一个颅指数超过80的短而阔的头的
- But the cephalic veins are sometimes difficult to isolate. 但部分患者分离头静脉存在困难。
- At the right is a probe patent foramen ovale in an adult. 右为成年人卵圆孔未闭的探查。
- The superficial and deep communicating branches of cephalic vein. 头静脉的浅深交通支。
- External cephalic version: how to improve its impact? 胎头外倒转术:如何改善它的效果?
- Patent Foramen Ovale and Recurrent Stroke Closure is the Best Option? 卵圆孔未闭与复发性卒中经皮封堵术是最佳选择吗?
- Having a head of medium breadth,with a cephalic index between76 and80. 中型头的具有中等宽度头型的,头颅指数通常为76和80
- Objective To evaluate the anatomy and HRCT findings of foramen of nasal bone. 目的探讨鼻骨孔的解剖基础及影像学表现。
- All giant cell tumors appear to be located at or near the foramen of Monro. 所有的巨细胞瘤均位于或者临近孟氏孔。
- Having a head of medium breadth, with a cephalic index between76 and80. 中型头的具有中等宽度头型的,头颅指数通常为76和80
- HIVD between L4/S, with obliteration of left intervertebral foramen. 第四和第五腰椎间有椎间盘突出,左边椎间孔有闭塞的情况。
- Does Closure of Patent Foramen Ovale as a Treatment for Migraine with Aura? - 卵圆孔未闭的封堵治疗是先兆性偏头痛的选择吗?
- Objective To improve the understanding of foramen magnum meningiomas. 目的提高对枕骨大孔区脑膜瘤的认识。