- ceramics patent information 陶瓷专利信息
- ceramic patent information 陶瓷专利信息
- This article discusses how to develop patent information research by making use of Derwent Analytics. 本文针对如何利用德温特分析家软件开展专利情报研究进行了讨论。
- The center is a computerized databank with access to patent information available globally. 该中心是一个查询在全球范围内可获取的专利信息的计算机化数据库。
- WIPO also develops patent information tools relating to life sciences technology in areas of policy priority. WIPO还开发与政策重点领域中生命科学技术有关的专利信息工具。
- ARA I H. 2006. Japan's intellectual p roperty strategy [ J ]. World Patent Information, 28 (4) : 323 - 326. 张荣彦.;2006
- The Delegation acknowledged the value of the WIPO Patent Information Services for Developing Countries to their IP Office. 该代表团认为向该国知识产权局提供的WIPO发展中国家专利信息服务很有价值。
- For example, the Standing Committee on Information Technology was providing an excellent forum on how to access patent information. 例如,信息技术常设委员会就提供了获取专利信息的绝佳论坛。
- The WPIS also provides Search Reports on patent information relating to all fields of technology to any developing country institutions requesting it. WIPO专利信息服务还为提出请求的任何发展中国家机构提供涉及所有技术领域的专利信息检索报告。
- Assistance included training, providing access to patent information resources, and all of the necessary technical assistance that entails. 协助包括培训、提供对专利信息资源的获取、和各种必需的技术协助。
- In addition, patent information tools (such as patent landscapes) are developed relating to life sciences technology in areas of policy priority. 此外,还为政策重点领域开发了涉及生命科学技术的专利信息工具(例如专利态势分析)。
- As an important tool in mining patent information,patent intelligence analysis has widespread application in enterprise's R&D activity. 专利情报分析作为挖掘专利信息的重要工具,在企业研发活动中有着广泛的应用。
- World Patent Technology(WPT) started 1990, which delivers novelty searches and patent information to inventors and enterprises. WPT始于1990年,为发明人和企业提供新颖性检索与专利信息服务。
- The patent administrative department of the State Council shall completely, accurately and timely announce the patent information and regularly publish patent gazettes. 国务院专利行政部门应当完整、准确、及时发布专利信息,定期出版专利公报。
- Patent information navigation which is created by Department of Computer and Information Sciences of Strathclyde University is part of BUBL Link catalogue of internet resources. 该站点提供专利资源导航,是由英国斯特拉斯克莱德大学计算机与信息科学系提供的。它是BUBL 网络资源目录的一部分。
- The basic conception for patent information management system in interprises is described based on comparision with management softwares of patent information in the market. 通过南钢建立专利信息平台的实践,叙述了建立企业专利信息管理系统的基本构思,比较市售专利信息管理软件的异同。
- Seventh, they seldom use the patent information well to avoid infringements as well of waste of resources, neither do they learn the technology for the trend of industry. 七、高科技产业未能善加利用专利资讯,以避免研发资源浪费、防止侵权,并习得产业发展趋势的技术。
- Patent information protects clean galosh (trade name: Do not take off) this patent product is OK very replace conveniently room take off changed slipper. 专利信息保洁套鞋(商品名:甭脱)本专利产品可以很方便地取代入室脱换的拖鞋。
- In that regard, the Delegation believed that WIPO was addressing its obligation under the 1974 WIPO-UN agreement through the dissemination of patent information including, through the WIPONET. 在这一方面,美国代表团认为WIPO在专利信息推广方面,包括通过WIPONET方式,一直在履行1974年WIPO-UN协议所规定的义务。
- According to knowledge of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) statistics, Effective utilization patent information, may reduce the research time by 60%, and may save the research expense by 40%. 根据世界知识产权组织(WIPO)的统计,有效运用专利情报,可缩短研发时间60%25,节省研发费用40%25。 专利文献日益得到重视,充分、有效地利用国内外专利文献已经成为加速科技创新,谋求技术竞争优势和确立自主知识产权的重要手段。