- Cerebellar hypoplasia is not a sonographic feature of isolated agenesis of the corpus callosum. 小脑发育不全不是单独胼胝体发育不全的超声特征。
- Congenital cerebellar hypoplasia 先天性小脑发育不全
- cerebellar hypoplasia 小脑发育不全
- I have a 16 month old with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia. 我有一个16个月大的孩子,视神经发育不全。他到处爬。。。
- This disease should be differentiated from variation of the large cisterna magna, arachnoid cyst of the posterior forssa, cystic neoplasm, and severe hypoplasia of the cerebellum. 本病需与后颅窝蛛网膜囊肿、囊性新生物和变异的巨大枕大池以及重度小脑发育不全鉴别.
- Spongy appearance shows in cerebral and cerebellar cortex. 大体--脑呈海绵状改变,皮质、基底节和脊髓萎缩变性。
- CTU offers the best modality in diagnosing renal hypoplasia. CTU的诊断符合率明显高于SPECT、IVU及B超。
- Conclusion: Cerebellar tumor in the early stage tends to be. 目的:总结小脑肿瘤误诊的常见原因,以提高本病的早期确诊率。
- Using femoral hypoplasia as a key word in OMIM proides 38 entries. 用股骨发育不全为关键词在OMIM上检索有38项结果。
- My daughter has optic nerve hypoplasia and I think this is amazing. 我的女儿就视神经发育不全,我认为这很神奇。
- Brain MRI showed remarkable atrophy on cerebellum and brain stem. 头颅MRI示小脑、脑干明显萎缩;
- For example, the limit of medulloblastoma in the cerebellum Bureau. 例如,髓母细胞瘤限局在小脑。
- A little extra Vasoactive Peptide in the Cerebellum? 抑或是小脑中的一些额外的血管活性肽作用了?
- Either of two small lobes on the lower posterior border of the cerebellum. 小脑绒球小脑后部边缘下方的两块小叶之一
- Brain magnetic resonance imaging revealed hypoplasia of corpus callosum. 脑部核磁共显示胼胝体发育不良。
- The major neuroanatomic structure of interest was the cerebellar cortex. 这预示着小脑神经元功能障碍或变性。
- NPY immunoreactive neurons are located in cerebellum Purkinje cell layer. 小脑Purkinje细胞层内存在NYP阳性神经元。
- Both cerebellum and neocortex receive input from the somatosensory system. 小脑和大脑皮层都可以收到来自体觉系统的输入信息。
- The pons, the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata composed the hindbrain. 脑桥、小脑和延髓组成了后脑。
- The brain are poorly demarcated non-transposition of the cerebellum? 大脑小脑换位分不清楚是非了?