- Open End Credit A pre-approved loan that may be used repeatedly up to a certain limit. 开放性信贷预先核准,可重复使用,直至达到预定限额的贷款。
- The deformation of a solid body is proportional to the force acting on it , if the force does not exceed a certain limit . 如果作用于某物体的力不超过一定限度的话,则该固体受力后的形变与这一作用力大小成比例。
- In the meantime, inside certain limit, the limit cost that inland river channel provides a service is 0 or dinky. 同时,在一定的限度内,内河航道提供服务的边际成本为零或极小。
- There is certain limitation in Special Relativity (SR). 摘要相对论存在一定的局限性。
- The deformation of a solid body is proportional to the force acting on it ,if the force does not exceed a certain limit . 如果作用于某物体的力不超过一定限度的话,则该固体受力后的形变与这一作用力大小成比例。
- Toleration is not a virtue any more beyond a certain limitation. 超过某个限度之后,宽容便不再是美德。
- I am willing to accept certain limitation on my freedom. 我愿意接受对我自由的某些限制。
- Independence is all very well, but we animals never allow our friends to make fools of themselves beyond a certain limit. 自主行为是很好的,但是我们动物决不允许自己的朋友无限制地愚弄自己。
- There are certain limitations of vocational education nowadays. 当前的职业教育存在一定的局限性。
- The deformation of a solid body is proportional to the force acting on it , if the force does not exceed a certain limit. 如果作用于某物体的力不超过一定限度的话,则该固体受力后的形变与这一作用力大小成比例。
- The radioelement content of certain material is higher, when its intensity and radiation dosage exceed certain limit, can cause a harm to human body. 某些材料的放射性元素含量较高,其强度和辐射剂量超过一定限度时,就会对人体造成危害。
- Urban development to a certain degree, up to a certain limit, there will inevitably be diverted building exurb urban trend. 城市发展到一定的程度,达到一定极限的时候,必然要出现建设卫星城来分流城市人口的趋势。
- Potential polluters whose fuel consumption exceeds a certain limit must submit plans for installing or altering furnaces, ovens and chimneys. 倘污染制造者燃烧的燃料超过标准限制,便必须递交安装或更改火炉、烘炉及烟囱的计划书。
- Above all, suffer a curve radius and outside the restriction that course freeboard sets, train rate can increase certain limit only. 首先,受曲线半径和外轨超高设置的限制,列车速度只能增大到一定限度。
- If an employer refuses without reason to pay social insurance fees, the labour administrative department in charge shall command a payment within a certain limit of time. 用人单位无故不缴纳社会保险费的,由劳动行政部门责令其限期缴纳
- These rules aren't totally rigid. They are flexible within certain limits. 这条规定并不那么死板,有一定的机动性。
- They wished to improve the language, at least along certain limited lines. 他们希望改进这种语言,至少沿着某种有限的路线。
- The deposit insurance scheme, now at the detailed planning stage, will promote the general stability of the system by protecting individual depositors up to a certain limit. 正处于详细规划阶段的存款保险计划,目的是让存户得到若干存款限额的保障,有助促进银行体系的整体稳定。
- You can start trading other people's money informally, without a license, although you will have to register once the funds under management exceed a certain limit. 你一开始可以不要执照,替别人操盘。当你管理的资金超过了一定限度,你要去注册。
- While hydrogen pressure reduces beyond a certain limit, the pulse missing named pulse to pulse quenching will occur and operation will be very instable. 当氢压减小超过一定限度,脉冲漏失现象出现,这种脉间猝熄很不稳定。