- Please pass me that certificate of deposit. 请递给我那张储蓄存单。
- Here's the certificate of deposit. 业:这是存款单。
- You mentioned certificates of deposit. 你提到了存款单。
- Do you want to see the bankbooks for certificate of deposit or. 拿出存款证明晃一晃。
- I understand time certificate of deposit pays a higher rate of interest than regular deposits do. 据说定期存款的利率比一般存款高。
- Excuse me,my CD (Certificate of Deposit) matures today.Can I renew the certificate? 我的定期存款今天到期,我可以续存吗?
- Redeeming your certificate of deposit before maturity may result in withdrawal penalties. 如果你在定期前解约可能要付提前解约金。
- Certificate of deposit Certificate of an interest-bearing time deposit with a bank. 定期储蓄存单在某银行中的有息定期储蓄存款单。
- This is my account book. The bank issued my Certificate of Deposit according to this account book. 把存款本递给她,以显存款证明真实。
- Yankee CD A CD (Certificate of Deposit) issued in the U.S. Market, typically New York, by a branch of a foreign bank. 扬基存款证由美国以外银行的分行在美国(一般在纽约)发行的存款证。
- Certificate of deposit: Certificate of an interest-bearing time deposit with a bank. 定期储蓄存单:在某银行中的有息定期储蓄存款单。
- Excuse me, my CD (Certificate of Deposit) matures today.Can I renew the certificate? 我的定期存款今天到期,我可以续存吗?
- CD stands for Certificate of Deposit, while Eurodollar means US dollar in a European bank. 朗:CD是英文中“存款单”的简称,而欧元指的是欧洲银行的美元,
- L:CD stands for Certificate of Deposit, while Eurodollar means US dollar in a European bank. 朗:CD是英文中“存款单”的简称,而欧元指的是欧洲银行的美元,
- This certificate of deposit is not-negotiable and cannot be presented to the bank for payment. 存款证明书不得转让,不能作为提取上述存款的凭证。
- Laddering certificates of deposit out six months is one way. 存入六个月的阶梯式定期存款是一种方法。
- The relevant bank shall pay by transfer account, in accordance with the stipulations of the house purchase contract, the money in the certificate of deposit for purchase of house to the seller of the commodity residential house. 有关银行应当按照购房合同的约定,将购房存款单的款额转帐支付给商品住宅出售单位。
- We offer Time Certificates of Deposit which pay a higher rate of interest than regular deposits do. 我们这里提供存款的定期存单,它们的利率高于普通存款。
- Large-denomination Negotiable Certificate of Time Deposits, CDs. 银行发行的,在到期之前可转让的定期存款凭证。
- Judicial certification of the validity of a will. 遗嘱检验文件遗嘱有效的法律证明文件