- Post receipt or certificate of posting 邮政收据
- Courier Receipt, Post Receipt or Certificate of Posting 第二十五条快递收据、邮政收据或投邮证明
- Could you make out a certificate of the theft? 能给我这起偷盗事件的证明吗?
- The certificate of origin must be provided. 必须提供产地证书。
- Your reply by return of post will be appreciated. 如能回信答复,将甚为感谢。
- Original Death Certificate of Life Insured. 受保人死亡证书正本。
- I beg you will answer by return of post. 我请您立即回复。
- I'll check the material certificate of the pipe. 我要这管子的材质。
- Certificate of Quality in copies issued by. 由出具的质量证明书一式份。
- Certificate of Quality issued by the Sellers. 制造厂家出具的质量证明书。
- There was a big post/a lot of post this morning. 今早邮件很多.
- Certificate of Quantity in copies issued by. 由出具的数量证明书一式份。
- There was a lot of post this morning. 今天上午邮件很多。
- Certificate of forestry for the timber? 是什么证书呀?
- A modified name value collection of post data. 发送数据的已修改名称值集合。
- Certificate of increase in rent. 加租证明。
- They will send you tickets by return of post. 他们将在回程邮件中把你的票送来。
- Certificate of participation to all participants. 所有的参与者都有参赛证书。
- The fence was made of posts joined together with wire. 篱笆是以铁丝连接起木桩而构成的。
- Certified Copy of Certificate of Title. 就可以取代之前收到的那份产权证书。