- cesium thiocyanate 硫氰酸铯
- Otherwise cesium tetrachloroiodide may be formed. 不然可能形成四氯碘化铯。
- It is the main cesium chloride compound. 氯化铯是它的主要化合物。
- Cesium chloride is an example of a bodycentered cubic crystal. 氯化铯是体心立方晶体的一个例子。
- In the wet air oxidation, heat and light cesium enough to melt. 在潮湿空气中,氧化的热量足以使铯熔化并点燃。
- Unlike pendulums and crystals, all cesium atoms are identical. 不同于钟摆及石英晶体的是,所有的铯原子都是一模一样的。
- Thiocyanate is naturally present in body fluids like blood and salia. 硫氰酸一般存在于体液中,如血液和唾液。
- The metal sheet is coated with a certain special material, such as cesium. 金属片上涂有象铯那样的某种特殊材料。
- Use:Used as an analytical reagent,to determine alkaloid and cesium. 用途:分析试剂,生物碱和铯盐的测定。
- Frequency-offset Locking of LD to Hyperfine Transition of cesium Atoms[J]. 引用该论文 王军民;张天才;谢常德;彭堃墀.
- Three-body collisions in cesium vapour in the presence of buffer gas[J]. 引用该论文 袁强华;张刚台;穆保霞;王淑英;崔秀花;戴康;沈异凡.
- The main products cover ammonuium sulfocyanide,sodium thiocyanate, potassium sulphocyanide, cuprous sulfocyanide etc,Calcium Thiocyanate. 主要产品有硫氰酸铵、硫氰酸钠、硫氰酸钾、硫氰酸亚铜、硫氰酸钙等。
- These results suggest that thiocyanate may not be present in the airway surface liquid of indiiduals with CF. 这些研究结果提示在囊性纤维化患者气管表面粘液层中可能检测不到硫氰酸分子。
- Sodium thiocyanate(NaSCN) and dimethylacetamide (DMAC) two-step process technologies were regarded as reasonable ch. 建议选用硫氰酸钠二步法及二甲基乙酰胺(DMAC)二步法腈纶工艺。
- Despite its name and its chemical relationship to cyanide, thiocyanate is not toxic. 除名称和化学结构上和氰化物有相似之处外,硫氰酸是无毒的。
- The content of NaCl in soda ash is determined by colourimetry of mercury thiocyanate. 作者采用硫氰酸汞比色法测定纯碱中氯化钠的含量.
- Another example of the cubic lattice system is the body-centered cubic crystal of cesium chloride. 立方晶系的另一个例子是氯化铯的体心立方晶体。
- Township enterprises Products of coal, pig iron, castings, thiocyanate, perchlorate, mainly refractory. 乡镇企业产品以煤炭、生铁、铸件、硫氰、酸铵、耐火材料为主。
- The whitening process was performed on PAN fiber produced by sodium thiocyanate wet spinning. 对硫氢酸钠湿法二步法腈纶进行增白,探讨了主要增白工艺条件对增白效果的影响。
- Abstract The extraction properties and mechanism of niobium thiocyanate complex with secondary amine 7203 are studied. 摘要 研究了仲胺7203(简写为7203)萃取铌硫氰酸盐络合物的性能及其机理。