- Plus a number of patent protected varieties. 加上一些专利保护品种。
- cession of patent 专利权的让与
- Question 1: What types of patent can be provided in Macao? 问1:澳门具有什么类型的专利?
- The cession of the territory could not be avoided because they lost the war. 因为他们输了这场战争,割让领土是无法避免的。
- Recommend out of research and review of patents. 研发的推荐及专利的审核。
- He had received a grant of patent for his invention. 他已获得他发明的专利权的授予。
- He has received a grant of patent for his invention. 他已获得他发明的专利权的授予。
- Compulsory licensing and international exhaustion of patent rights. 些灵活性的数量,如,强制许可和专利权的国际用尽。
- SPV is the key to the success of Patent securitization. SPV是整个专利资产证券化成功的关键。
- For instance, the cession of building and land access involves duty of business tax, agree to wait. 比如,房屋和土地使用权的转让涉及营业税、契税等。
- Do you handle cases of patent and trademark infringement? 你们受理专利和商标侵权的案件吗?
- After the First Opium War, the Guangdong-Macao relationship l ost its balance because of the cession of Hongkong. 第一次鸦片战争后,香港的割让引起粤澳(中葡)关系失衡,是有澳门议事会九请和中葡谈判的出现。
- The cause of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is not known. 开放性动脉导管(PDA)的发病原因目前还是个谜。
- The cession of this kind of right, the first issue that involves is how its price decides after all. 中共十五大和十五届三中全会提出农民的承包土地可以有偿流转。这种权利的转让 ,涉及到的首要问题就是其价格究竟如何确定。本文认为 ,土地承包权的价值或价格从理论上讲应大于使用权的价值或价格。
- The cession of a part of China aroused shame and anger among the Chinese,and the unfortunate Qishan was ordered to Peking (Beijing) in chains. 中国认为割地是奇耻大辱,举国震怒,清廷遂把琦善撤职,解京查办。
- The right of patents protects the inventor's inventions. 专利权保护发明者的发明创造。
- The cession of a part of China aroused shame and anger among the Chinese, and the unfortunate Qishan was ordered to Peking (Beijing) in chains. 中国认为割地是奇耻大辱,举国震怒,清廷遂把琦善撤职,解京查办。
- And the cession of land and flow are to connect its to pass to install and make over those who will finish of the right. 而土地的转让和流动是通其过权利的设置和转让来完成的。
- These measures mark the reaching of a new level of patent protection in China. 这使中国对专利权的保护达到了一个新的水平。
- Third,the protection of patent rights has been further strengthened. 三是进一步强化了对专利权的保护。