- Release the dog. He has been chained up for hours. 把狗放开,它已被拴了几个钟头了。
- That dog ought to be chained up . 那只狗应该用铁链拴起来。
- It's time the dogs were chained up for the night. 现在该用链条把狗拴住过夜了。
- The dog was chained up for the night. 夜间那条狗用链子拴起来。
- The dogs are chained up for the night. 夜间,狗都给拴了起来。
- That dog ought to be chained up. 那只狗应该用。
- Release the dog.He has been chained up for hours. 把狗放开, 它已被拴了好几个钟头了。
- The gates were locked and chained up. 大门被锁住而且上栓了。
- It's necessary that the dogs be chained up for the night. 必须用链条把狗拴住过夜。
- It's so cruel to keep a pony chained up like that all the time. 把一只小马驹就那样一直用铁链拴着真是太残忍了。
- The mercury ascends the food chain up to the Yanomami in the form of a neurotoxin that especially affects child development. 水银下楼到雅诺马马食物链的形式,尤其是影响儿童神经发展。
- Release the dog . He has been chained up for hours . 把狗放开,它已被拴了好几个钟头了。
- And, a hundred years ago in some European hospitals, fear of violence during full moons led doctors to chain up patients thought to be lunatics. 一百年前,欧洲的一些医院在月圆时因为担心会出现暴力行为,而用链子绑住那些被认为是疯子的患者。
- Thou hast created this atom of dust through the consummate power of Thy might, and nurtured Him with Thine hands which none can chain up. 祢曾使祂的身躯安适于锦缎绫罗,最终却使它沦落地牢备受屈辱。
- XunZi is the last master of Confucianism in Manchu Dynasty, his thought, at China tradition thought culture development of chain up, can't exceed of importance one wreath. 荀子是先秦最后一位儒学大师,他的思想,在中国传统思想文化发展的链条上,是不可逾越的重要一环。
- These guard dogs are kept chained up until evening,when they are released. 这些警犬白天一直被拴着,晚上才放开。
- Chain up your dog . 把你的狗用链子锁起来。
- These guard dogs are kept chained up until evening, when they are released. 这些警犬白天一直被拴着,晚上才放开。
- Of course the dog makes such a noise, the poor creature is chained up all day. 难怪这只狗汪汪叫吵个不停, 这可怜的小家伙已被拴了一天了。