- Her slim chance for survival lay in finding a bone marrow donor. 她微弱的生存机会取决于找到合适的骨髓捐献者。
- Thus, the reintroduction not only repatriates the tortoise to the U.S., it increases the species' chance for survival. 也因此,再引回计画不只将象龟送回美国,也可增加这物种的存活机会。
- Crusoe thanks Providence that his life has been spared and that he now has a chance for survival on the island. 鲁滨逊感激上帝保佑他幸免于难,并为他提供了在这荒岛上生存下去的机会。
- Should the crazed chasers be driving you into a corner, a treasure trunk or a petard may be your last chance for survival. 当疯狂的猎人把你驱逐到一个角落时,一个宝物箱或者一个爆炸物也许是你最后生存的希望。
- Unaware that he alone is mankind's last chance for survival, Sam and his friend Mikaela (Megan Fox) find themselves in a tug of war between the Autobots and Decepticons. 人类被捲进两股拥有恐怖破坏力的异星军团斗争中,是否只能无助地任由宰割?
- When General Krebs had finally returned to the bunker that afternoon with General Chuikov's demand for unconditional surrender Hitler's party secretary had decided that his only chance for survival lay in joining the mass exodus. 当克莱勃斯将军那天下午终于带着崔可夫将军无条件投降的要求回到地下避弹室的时候,希特勒这位党务部长认定唯一活命的机会是跟着大伙一齐逃跑。
- Like all forms of cancer, detecting the disease at the earliest stage possible greatly increases the patient's chances for survival. 象所有形式的癌症,在疾病最早阶段检测可能大大增加病人的存活机会。
- We need food and water for survival. 我们为了生存需要食物和水。
- The disclosure that he had been in prison ruined his chance for public office. 公开他曾坐牢一事断送了他谋求在政府机构任职的机会。
- Elected officials depend on publicity for survival. 当选的官员们依靠宣传而生存。
- The researchers argue that staying near the dead increases an individual aphid's chances for survival and that aphids are stimulated by the presence of corpses to behave in this way. 研究人员还力图求证,临近同伴尸体可以增加蚜虫个体的生存机率,以及蚜虫是受到同伴尸体的刺激才会相信这样做可以逃避攻击。
- It is a good chance for you to meet him. 这是你与他见面的好机会。
- The outlook for survival is bleak. 存活希望极微。
- Mary threw away a good chance for a better job. 玛丽有过一工作良机,但白白放过了。
- Nature is what we humans depend upon for survival. 大自然是人类赖以生存的有限空间。
- Never pass up a good chance for you to succeed. 决不要失去你可能成功的好机会。
- When she heard about the chance for promotion, she decided to go for it. 当她听到升迁的机会时,她决定冒险一试。
- An implicit struggle for survival ensues. 生存竞争产生。
- A chance for progress or advancement. 良机有利于进步或发展的机会
- They are struggling for survival most of the time. 他们大部分时间在为糊口而努力。