- His efforts had no smallest chance of success. 他的努力毫无成功的希望。
- He believes his experiment has a sporting chance of success. 他相信他的实验有几分成功的机会。
- His appearance works against his chance of success as a politician. 他的出现对他作为一个政治家成功的可能性有所削弱。
- If you are rude to the boss, it may jeopardize your chance of success. 如果你对老板没有礼貌,那也许会危及你事业的成功。
- Health militated against his chance of success. 身体不好误了他成功立业的机会。
- You have given away a good chance of success . 你已失掉了一次成功的好机会。
- The plaintiff sees no chance of success. 原告认为没有胜诉的机会。
- There is little chance of success. 很少有成功的可能。
- There is a great chance of success for sb. 某人大有取得成功的机会。
- The operation has a fifty-fifty chance of success. 这次手术成功和失败的可能性各占一半。
- We have a real chance of success. 我们确实有获得成功的机会。
- How do you rate our chances of success? 你估计我们成功的可能性有多大?
- He has long hoped for a chance of success. 他久望获得成功的机会。
- He has no small chance of success. 他大有成功的可能。
- He has no smallest chance of success. 他完全没有成功的可能。
- Ill health militated against his chance of success. 身体不好误了他成功立业的机会。
- Is there a possible chance of success? 有成功的可能吗?
- He has an even chance of success. 他成败的机会参半。
- He is not very sanguine about our chances of success. 他对我们成功的机会不太乐观。
- Lack of self-discipline prejudiced her chances of success. 她缺乏自制力对她获得成功有所影响。