- He was taking a chance on a relatively new young actor. 他冒险启用一名年轻演员。
- Won't you take a chance on the prize? 你有意争取奖品吗?
- A thief stopped Mary on a dark street and made off with her wallet. 一个小贼在黑暗的街上拦住玛丽,把她的钱包拿走了。
- A good fortune fell by chance on me last night. 我昨晚意外地交上了好运。
- The apple fell by chance on his head. 那个苹果意外地落到他的头上。
- We must settle on a place to meet. 咱们得把见面的地点定下来。
- There he chanced on a first edition of the handbook. 他在那里意外地发现这本手册的第一版。
- As I walked home one freezing day,I stumbled on a wallet someone had lost in the street. 在一个寒冷的日子里,我在回家的路上偶然发现了一个遗失的钱夹。
- Perhaps you might chance on the dictionary at some old bookstall. 或许你会碰巧在旧书摊上买到这本辞典。
- As I walked home one freezing day, I stumbled on a wallet someone had lost in the street. 一个寒冷的日子,我在回家的路上偶然发现了一个遗失的钱夹。
- Won't you take a chance on the price? 你愿对这个价格打赌吗?
- I met a famous actor by chance on the street. 我在街上意外地碰上一个著名的男演员。
- We may take a chance on her being at home. 也许碰巧她在家。
- She married a man who put her on a pedestal. 她嫁给了一个对她十分崇拜的男人。
- He is on a par with his brother in intelligence. 他在智力方面同他的弟弟不相上下。
- He is on a lone fun run, nothing to do with the race. 他自己跑著玩的,和竞赛无关。
- My sister is very happy to chance on a friend of hers whom she hasn't seen for more than ten years on the way to her office. 我姐姐非常高兴,在上班的路上,她碰巧遇见了十多年没见的朋友。
- It's almost impossible to agree on a unified basic price. 几乎不可能商定一个划一的基本价格。
- He took a chance on a quick dash from the commons yard across the western portico of the refectory, and made it through unobserved. 他冒险飞快地从院子,穿过餐厅西面的门廊,没有被人发现的情况下,向前走。
- He go on a refresher course in bookkeeping. 他继续学习笔记进修课程。