- The apple fell by chance on his head. 那个苹果意外地落到他的头上。
- Perhaps you might chance on the dictionary at some old bookstall. 或许你会碰巧在旧书摊上买到这本辞典。
- It's too hot to concentrate on book. 热得不能集中心思看书。
- Won't you take a chance on the prize? 你有意争取奖品吗?
- Perhaps you might chance on copies at some old book stalls . 也许你可能在一些旧书摊上碰巧找到几本。
- The imposition of the tax on books caused a sharp rise in price. 对书籍课税造成书价急剧上涨。
- A part of his income goes on books; but he thinks it's money well spent. 他的收入有一部分花在买书上,可是他认为这是值得的。
- I ran into her by chance on my way home. 在回家的路上,我偶然遇到了她。
- A good fortune fell by chance on me last night. 我昨晚意外地交上了好运。
- No, but she spends a lots of money on books. 不,不过她花很多钱在书本上。
- Won't you take a chance on the price? 你愿对这个价格打赌吗?
- A lot of the grant goes on books. 拨款大部分用在购置图书。
- I meet him by chance on Fifth Avenue. 我偶然在第大街上遇到他。
- No,but she spends a lots of money on books. 不,不过她花很多钱在书本上。
- I met a famous actor by chance on the street. 我在街上意外地碰上一个著名的男演员。
- He tossed up that chance on purpose. 他故意错过那个机会。
- She spent a lot of money on books. 她花了很多钱来买书。
- We may take a chance on her being at home. 也许碰巧她在家。
- No,but she spends a lot of money on books. 不,不过她花很多钱在书本上。
- I met her by chance on the street. 我恰巧在街上遇到了她。