- Did the bride change clothes for the reception? 接待客人的时候新娘换衣服了吗?
- Can you change clothes comfortably? 你能很舒服地换衣服吗?
- I need to run home to change clothes for the party. 我得赶紧回去为这次晚会换衣服。
- Could you accompany me to your room and change clothes there? 能不能让我陪您去房间换下衣服呢?
- Could you change clothes,sir,and give me the wet ones for cleaning? 先生,请换下衣服并把湿衣服给我送去清洗,好吗?
- I didn't have time to change clothes before the party. 我没时间在聚会前更换衣服。
- He was wet through, but he would not change clothes. 他全身湿透了,却不肯更衣。
- The child, I should be your ablution, change clothes personally. 孩子,我要亲自为你洗身、更衣。
- Click she can be renewed for the first type, its body can change clothes. 点击她的头可以换发型,点击她的身体可以换衣服。
- Could you change clothes, sir, and give me the wet ones for cleaning? 先生,请换下衣服并把湿衣服给我送去清洗,好吗?
- Jack told me to wait for him outside while he went to the locker room to change clothes. 杰克要我在外面等他,他去衣帽间换衣服。
- Drag the mouse body ornaments to Meimei, Meimei mouse click can change clothes and hairstyle. 鼠标拖动饰物到美眉身上,鼠标点击美眉可以换衣服和发型。
- Two competing women seduce a man. They glare, dress up, give attitude, change clothes, curl their hair, and smolder. 两个互相竞争的女人在引诱一个男人,他们怒目而视,装扮自己,耍脾气,换衣服,卷头发,怒火中烧。
- Chest refines change to the function, gain ground more between change clothes, dresser decrescent. 衣柜向功能细化转变,更衣间更普及,梳妆台变小了。
- Operational guidelines : Drag the mouse costumes, hairstyle hits change clothes. 操作指南:鼠标拖动化妆、点击更换衣服发型。
- Mr.Kellermann, 41, began working nonstop, sometimes returning home only to change clothes, colleagues say. 同事们说,此后,41岁的凯勒曼日以继夜地工作,有时回家只是为了换换衣服。
- The mother changed clothes for the baby carefully to avoid hurting him. 母亲小心翼翼地为宝宝换衣服,以免弄疼他。
- Chrissy: And the time it's taken you to change clothes, I changed sexes. 克丽丝:你们换衣的那一小会儿,我都变成男的了。
- Take a change of clothes with you. 把你替换的衣服带去吧。
- A room furnished with lockers, as in a gymnasium, school, or workplace, used as a place in which to change clothes and store equipment. 更衣室体育馆,学校或工作场所设有小橱的房间,用于更衣和储存物品