- change current directory 改变当前目录
- The current directory is invalid. 当前目录无效。
- Changes the current directory or folder. 更改当前目录或文件夹。
- Changes the current directory to the specified one. 将当前目录切换为指定的目录。
- They were in the current directory. 允许程序打开制定目录中的数据。
- Saves the current directory then changes it. 保存当前目录,然后更改。
- For determining the current directory. 用于确定当前目录。
- Unable to get current directory. 无法得到目前的目录。
- Returns a file list from the current directory. 返回当前目录的文件列表。
- CD: Lists the current directory string. 列出当前目录。
- PUSHD Saves the current directory then changes it. 保存当前目录,然后更改。
- To perform a pending change command, your current directory must be added to a workspace and thereby mapped to a server. 若要执行挂起的更改命令,必须将当前目录添加到工作区以便映射到服务器。
- Use the change directory command (CD) to change the current directory of the command prompt window to the folder where the samples are installed. 使用更改目录命令(CD)将命令提示符窗口的当前目录更改至安装示例的文件夹。
- Clicking on the folder named "." Refreshes the current directory. 单击名为“。”的文件夹以刷新当前目录。
- The target classes (usually in the current directory). 目标类(通常在当前目录中)。
- The txtDirectory TextBox displays the current directory. txtDirectory TextBox显示当前目录。
- CD Displays the name of or changes the current directory. 显示当前目录的名称或更改当前目录。
- Command tells it to show the contents of the current directory. 命令后的点告知将显示当前目录下的内容。
- Returns the subdirectories of the current directory. 返回当前目录的子目录。
- The
cd (ChangeDirectory) command will change from your current directory to any directory you specify. 指令可以让您从目前的目录跳到您指定的目录路径。