- Can you change a five-pound note? 你能换开五英镑的票子吗?
- We jacked the automobile in order to change a tire. 我们用千斤顶把汽车托起换个轮胎。
- A place in a routine where a branch is selected. 例行程序中选择分支的那个位置。
- One part of a document, a program, or a routine. 一份文件程序或例行程序的一部分内容。
- Gradually the six men settled into a routine. 六个人渐渐走上了正轨。
- The fault was discovered during a routine check. 这个错误是在一次常规检查中发现的。
- It's just a routine fact check on your piece. 就是照惯例检查下你作品的真实性。
- It seems to have become a routine. 这似乎已经成为我的一个习惯了。
- We jack the automobile in order to change a tire. 我们用千斤顶把汽车托起换个轮胎。
- It was a routine that everybody knew. 这规矩谁都知道。
- Workers often jack up a car to change a tyre. 工人经常用起重机架起汽车换轮胎。
- A routine that can be part of another routine. 一种可以是另一例程的一部分的例行程序。
- A routine scan revealed abnormalities in the fetus. 一次常规扫描发现胎儿畸形。
- Can you change a $10 note for two fives? 能把10元钱换成两个5元的吗?
- Changing a fuse is one of those fiddly jobs I hate. 我最不愿意干换保险丝这类活儿了。
- How many skills does a routine contain? 一场比赛有多少个技能动作?
- I can change a tyre in2 minutes flat. 我只用两分钟就能换上一个轮胎
- Before the match I have a routine. 比赛前偶有特定的习惯。
- One mentor, one person can change a life forever. 一位辅导员,一个人能够改变一个人生。
- She had hypokalemia on a routine chemistry panel. 常规电解质检测显示低钾血症。