- Character format uses the character data format for all columns. 采用字符格式后,所有列均应用字符数据格式。
- A format layer specifying character format attributes. 字符样式定义字符格式属性的样式层次。
- And wanted to see the first four elements in character format. 并且想看字符格式的前四个元素。
- Puberty is very important for the character formation for a person. 青春期对人的性格形成是非常重要的。
- For more information, see Using Character Format to Import or Export Data. 有关详细信息,请参阅使用字符格式导入或导出数据。
- Another aspect of production is character formation and psychological satisfaction from developing manual skills. 另一种生产形式是从事体力技巧活动达到培养性格和满足心理享受的目的。
- Attribute that is applied to the containing structure determines the character format of strings in structures. 参数确定结构中字符串的字符格式。
- Element to end the specified layout and character formatting. 元素的结束标记以结束指定的布局和字符格式设置。
- Character formation formed an essential component of schooling, with severe punishment meted out for idleness. 人格形成是学校教育主要的一环,用严格的处罚使孩子们不致荒废时间做无意义的事。
- Format attribute Describes the appearance of text. Divided into paragraph and character format attributes. Stored in format layers. 格式属性描述文本外观。划分成段和字符格式属性。存放在格式层中。参见:格式层、段格式属性,字体格式属性。
- The use of native format for noncharacter data saves time, eliminating unnecessary conversion of data types to and from character format. 为非字符数据使用本机格式可以节省时间,并消除与字符格式之间不必要的数据类型转换。
- Begins a block by using the character formatting from a specified style. 通过使用指定样式中的字符格式设置来开始一个块。
- To prevent loss of extended characters during conversion, either use Unicode character format or specify a code page. 为避免在转换期间丢失扩展字符,请使用Unicode字符格式或指定代码页。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- The field length indicates the maximum number of characters that are required to represent data in character format. 字段长度指示以字符格式表示数据时所要求的最大字符数。
- He looks a suspicious character. 他像个可疑的人。
- In bulk copy, the maximum number of characters needed to represent a data item in a bulk copy character format data file. 在大容量复制中,表示大容量复制字符格式数据文件中的数据项所需的最大字符数。
- Success and wealth transformed his character. 成功和财富改变了他的性格。
- The character formatting applied to the selected text will not change when you add or delete phonetic guides. 在添加或删除拼音指南时,为选中的文字应用的字符格式不会发生变化。
- Element that contains attributes that implement the layout and character formatting of the specified style. 元素的开始标记,该元素包含可实现指定样式的布局和字符格式设置的属性。