- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- The boy can't figure out the algebra problems. 这个男孩做不出这道代数题。
- We've learned algebra in middle school. 我在中学就学过代数学。
- She was studying to build up her algebra. 她在学习以提高自己的代数水平。
- Are you stuck over your algebra? 你的代数题做不下去了吧?
- Do they charge carriage by bulk? 他们是否按体积计算运费?
- Please charge these bills to my account. 请把这些帐单记在我的账上。
- He finally got the answer to the algebra problem. 他终於算出了这道代数题的答案。
- She appear in court on a perjury charge. 她因被指控做了伪证而出庭受审。
- He is in charge of the operation of the steel mill. 他负责这家钢厂的经营工作。
- The shop stuck an additional charge on the bill. 商店在帐单上增收了一笔费用。
- How much interest do they charge on loans? 他们贷款收多少利息?
- They charge a fixed rate for each transaction. 他们对办理的每项业务收取一定的费用。
- He is proved to be innocent of the charge. 他被证实无罪。
- I am in charge of financial affairs. 我职掌财务。
- This charge is a positive charge. 这个电荷是正电荷。
- She instantly took charge of the child. 她立即把孩子照顾起来。
- I'm in charge of the Marketing Department. 我是负责/掌管市场部的。
- He's the chief, in charge of the whole show. 他是主管,负责全盘工作。
- The anchor chain took charge and ran out. 锚链失去控制而滑了出来。