- charge carrier injection 载劣注入
- They believe that the charge carrier is protonic. 他们相信电荷载体是质子。
- Consequently, a charge carrier is much more likely to strike the sidewall of the structure before it has a chance to ricochet from a defect. 结果,电荷载子更可能会撞到结构的侧墙,而没有机会被缺陷弹开。
- Rothenberg G,Moser J,Gratzel M et al. Charge carrier trapping and recombination dynamics in small semiconductor particles[J]. J Am Chem Soc,1985,107:8054. 郑红;汤鸿霄;王怡中.;有机污染物半导体多相光催化机理及动力学研究[J]
- Our study shows that such conversion is possible in conducting polymers, where a charge carrier can be converted into a spin carrier by photoexcitation. 最近的实验表明,自旋载流子可以被注入到共轭高聚物中,说明共轭高聚物材料也可能在自旋电子学中得到应用。
- Based on the energy-level structure of Organic Electroluminescent (OEL) devices, the effect of the electrode modification on the improving to carrier injection efficiency is analyzed. 摘要基于有机电致发光器件的能级结构,阐述电极薄膜优化对提高载流子注入效率的作用。
- Organic EL belongs to a electric injection luminescence, and electrode materials should play very important role in carrier injection of EL devices, which was, however, neglected sometimes. 由于有机EL属于电注入发光,因而电极材料在EL器件的载流子注入中起着重要作用,但这往往被人们所忽略。
- Hot carrier injection (HCI) test of the MOSFET devices, electron migration (EM) test of the metal interconnects and gate oxide integrity (GOI) test are the most popular WLR test items. 半导体集成电路的晶圆级可靠性的主要测试项目包括MOS器件的热载流子注入测试、栅氧化层完整性测试以及金属互连线的电迁移测试。
- This calculation is based on the drift-diffusion model that contains charge carrier drift with field dependent mobility, thermionic emission, heterojunction interface and recombination process. 这个程式的基础是载子漂移和扩散模型,该模型考虑:(1)与电场相关的载子迁移率,(2)载子由金属电极注入有机层或于有机层间迁移,(3)载子在有机层传输及复合。
- This photoinduced splitting converts a charge carrier (bipolaron) into two spin carriers (polarons). 因此,极化子是自旋载流子而双极化子不是。
- carrier injection electroluminescence 载流子注入电发光, 载流子注入式场致发光
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- Conductivity (electrical) - A measurement of how easily charge carriers can flow throughout a material. 传导性(电学方面)-一种关于载流子通过物质难易度的测量指标。
- Bipolar - Transistors that are able to use both holes and electrons as charge carriers. 双极晶体管-能够采用空穴和电子传导电荷的晶体管。
- Depletion Layer - A region on a wafer that contains an electrical field that sweeps out charge carriers. 耗尽层-晶圆片上的电场区域,此区域排除载流子。
- Carrier injection process of polymer light-emitting diodes 高分子发光二极管载流子注入过程研究
- Depletion Layer -A region on a wafer that contains an electrical field that sweeps out charge carriers. 耗尽层-晶晶圆片上的电场区域,此区域排除载流子。
- The coulumb effect on the carrier injection process of BN nanotube BN纳米管载流子注入的库伦效应
- The passage of an electric current through gases and vapors by the production and movement of charge carriers under the influence of an electric field. 在气体或蒸气中,电流在电场的影响下使带电粒子产生和迁移并流经该气体或蒸气区域的过程。
- Study on carrier injection efficiency of OEL devices 有机电致发光器件载流子注入效率的研究