- It is evident from our results that the charge transfer between adsorbed NO and substrate is similar to CO adsorption on transition metal. 计算了NO分子各个轨道上的占有数,发现其电荷转移情况与CO在过渡金属表面吸附的情况相似。
- The equivalent circuit was built. The following results are concluded: (1) The electrochemical reduction process of Bup on the glassy carbon electrode is involving charge transfer, strong adsorption of electroactive species, and particulate pervasion. 结果发现Bup在玻碳电极上的电还原可能涉及的基本过程是:电荷传递反应过程、电活性质粒的吸附过程以及反应质粒的扩散过程,并建立了相应的等效电路图。
- The EIS showed that the charge transfer resistance of PbO2 turned to small under the visible light. The photoelectrocatalytic degradation of RhB is influenced by the adsorption of RhB on the PbO2 surface. 电化学阻抗分析表明,在可见光光照下PbO_2的电荷转移电阻变小,具有良好的光电性能。
- Fluorescence Spectra and Charge Transfer in Doped PVK Thin Films[J]. 引用该论文 李宏建;彭景翠;瞿述;夏辉;许雪梅.
- In the PVK/C60 combination film, charge transfer complex has been observed. 采用该法制备的PVK/C60混合膜中已形成电荷转移络合物。
- In CD3CN, triethylamine donated electron to 2-chloro-5-methoxy- p-benzoquinone to form charge transfer complex (CTC). 三乙胺与2-氯-5-甲氧基对苯醌在CD3CN中发生电子转移反应形成电荷转移络合物CTC。
- Irradiation-induced change of charge transfer band (CTB) in nanocrystalline cubic Y2O3:Eu3+was studied. 研究了紫外光辐照引起的Y_2O_3:Eu~(3+)纳米晶的电荷迁移带(CTB)的变化。
- Intramolecular photoinduced charge transfer can be efficiency by restricting biphenyl group to make it more conjugate. 藉由分子结构的限制,使联苯间的共轭性质变好,使分子内能有效的产生光致电荷转移。
- Eleven new charge transfer polyoxometalates have been synthesized from four heteropoly acids with Dawson structure and three heteroaromatic compounds. 以4种道森结构的杂多酸和3种芳香杂环化合物为原料合成了11种新型电荷转移多金属氧酸盐,研究了它们的红外光谱。
- Chapter 3 After reflux procedures, carbon nanotube (CNT) and aniline (AN) can form the charge transfer complex (CTC) of CNT-AN. 第三章:单壁碳纳米管(SWNT)在苯胺中回流,产生CNT-苯胺电荷转移配合物(CNT-An CTC)。
- Micellar Effects on the twisted intramolecular charge transfer (TICT) of p-N,N-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde (DMABA) in aqueous solution is investigated. 研究了水溶液中对二甲氨基苯甲醛(DMABA)分子内扭转电荷转移(TICT)的胶束效应。
- The charge transfer states of these complexes were discussed based on ESCA, Raman spectra and cyclic voltammogram experiments. 用ESCA、Raman谱及循环伏安图讨论了上述化合物形成时的电荷转移量。
- The protonated products obtained at 532nm are suggested to arise from an intracluster penning ionization or a charge transfer process. 在532nm下质子化产物的生成主要来自于一个发生于团簇内部的Penning电离或电荷转移过程。
- Thereof, the charge transfer and the nearly panchromatic response in the visible range of the spectrum have been explained. 2)硝基取代基的数目及位置虽然影响骨架上轨道大小的对称性,但不影响其位相的对称性。
- In this work, a new kind of intramolecular charge transfer compound-flavone derivative withdouble bond which can be polymerized was synthesized. 本工作合成了一种聚合的分子内电荷转移化合物,作为荧光探针。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- A fluorescence spectrophotometric method was developed for the determination of sulfadiazine (SD) based on a charge transfer reaction. 用荧光法研究了乙酰丙酮-甲醛与磺胺嘧啶(SD)的荷移反应的条件,并探讨了发光机理。
- The electric charge transfer reaction of clarithromyc in and alizarin has been studied and the optimal reaction conditions have been found out. 研究了克拉霉素和茜素在甲醇介质中的电荷转移反应,确定了最佳反应条件。
- When an organic molecule like electron donating pyridine adsorbs on the surface, cations get reduced due to charge transfer. 当一个有机分子如电子给予体吡啶吸附在表面上时,阳离子由于电子转移而还原。
- The charge transfer reaction between albendazole and chloranilic acid in alcohol acetone solution was studied spectrophotometrically. 研究并确定了阿苯达唑与氯冉酸的荷移反应条件。