- A cab will be there in ten minutes. 过10分钟会有一辆出租汽车到那儿。
- Shall we take a cab there and come back by subway? 我们坐出租车去再乘地铁回来好吗?
- chassis cab 带驾驶室底盘
- He handed the old lady out of the cab. 他将这位上了年纪的女士从车上扶下来。
- The cab swung around the corner. 那部计程车转过街角。
- Connect black lead to metal point on car chassis. 连接黑色导线到汽车底盘的金属点上。
- Shall we take a cab there and come back by subway ? 我们坐出租车去再乘地铁回来好吗?
- Crisp lines carefully sculpted to hug the interior of the chassis like a glove and all this allows for the smallest cab and side pod design possible. 线条清晰仔细地雕刻拥抱内部的底盘就像手套和所有这一切使最小的出租车和副作用可能吊舱设计。
- The chassis which is mounted in the rack. 安装在架子上的底板。
- How much does it cost to go to the museum by cab? 搭计程车到博物馆要花多少钱?
- The rack that contains the chassis. 包含底板的架子。
- It is very hard to catch a cab in the rush hour. 想在高峰时间搭上计程车是很困难的。
- Up to 12 Site Inputs Voted Per Chassis. 每台主机多达12路比选信号输入。
- Please send a cab to the Holiday Inn now. 请派一辆出租车来假日饭店。
- Chassis must remain upright at all times. 底盘必需于任何时间保持直立。
- How much does it cost to downtown by a cab? 坐出租车到市区要多少钱?
- Rigid 17S alloy aluminum chassis. 刚性17S铝合金底盘。
- Which is cheaper, limousine or cab? 小客车跟计程车,那种便宜呢?
- It has got an absolutely fabulous chassis. 它拥有十分惊人的底盘。
- Cab driver: Uptown? You headed into Harlem! 司机:上城区?你正朝哈林区去呢!