- They chatted gaily while they dressed. 他们一面穿衣服一面高兴地聊着。
- Donna call on her friend kita for a chat. 多娜到她的朋友莉塔家闲谈。
- The little girl was chattering gaily all the way. 那小女孩一路上兴高采烈地说个不停。
- Chat gaily with each other 快活地互相聊天
- I had a long chat with her (about her job). (关於她的工作)我和她聊了很久。
- I'd like a private chat with you. 我想跟你私下谈谈。
- That's enough chat get back to work. 别再聊了--回去工作吧。
- He broke into a desultory chat with me over his business affairs. 他突然开始和我漫无边际地谈起他的生意来了。
- She called up a friend just for a chat. 她打电话给一个朋友,只是要聊聊天。
- Elizabeth have no time for small chat with other dame. 伊莉莎白没有时间与别的少女们闲聊。
- He came over to chat and play cards. 他过来聊天,打牌。
- He often asked Philip to come in for a chat. 他经常邀菲利浦进来闲谈。
- The interview resolved itself into a pleasant chat. 会见变成了愉快的闲聊。
- They gaily went on talking after the film had started. 电影开演后,他们还在毫无顾忌地讲话。
- She gaily announced that she was leaving the next day. 她轻率地宣布第二天就要走了。
- The sisterly chat between the two of them lasted till midnight. 她们俩之间的亲密交谈一直继续到半夜。
- Bill saw before him a fat pigeon to pluck, and he proceeded gaily to the task. 比尔看到在他面前有个傻里傻气的人大有钱财可骗,于是就得意地动起手来。
- I hadn't seen him for years and we had a long chat about old times. 我几年没见他了,我们聊过去的事聊了很长时间。
- Gaily and happily the prince danced. 王子幸福快活地跳着舞。
- Here visitors can chat over tea or enjoy a game of chess. 这里游人可以喝茶聊天,也可以下棋。