- They sat in a corner and chatted of old times. 他们坐在一个角落里畅谈过去的时光。
- They were chatting of old times. 他们在畅叙过去的时光。
- chat of old times 闲谈往昔的事情
- Certainly it's easier to do most things for the sake of old times than new. 的确,缅怀过去比考虑现在要容易应付多了。
- I hadn't seen him for years and we had a long chat about old times. 我几年没见他了,我们聊过去的事聊了很长时间。
- This technique was in great fashion among the garden builders of old times. 这种技巧在中国古代造园工匠中很流行。
- Fianna: For their songs that soothe and hearten and remind us of old times, we are grateful. 他们唱歌抚慰我们、振奋我们、提醒我们古老的历史,我们感激。
- But I feel I must; your plain talk is compelling,it makes me think of old times in the world. 但是你那清楚的言语使我怀念以往的世界,所以我不得不说。
- We can have a chat about the old times. 我们可以聊聊过去的事。
- Many memories of old times were called up by the conversation we had together that evening. 那天晚上我们的谈话,使我回忆起许多往事。
- But I feel I must; Your plain talk is compelling, it makes me think of old times in the world. 但是你那清楚的言语使我怀念以往的世界,所以我不得不说。
- The army is auctioning off a lot of old equipments. 军队正在把大量旧装备拍卖掉。
- He has dotage because of old age. 他因年老而糊里糊涂。
- The function of the fire-blower of old times was similar to that of an air-blower now. 以前吹火筒的功能就类似于现在的鼓风机。
- The old hand-held storm lantern has become a decoration which reminds one of old times. 家里那盏老式玻璃风灯,如今成了怀旧的装饰品。
- Come a bit earlier so that we can have a little chat of our own. 你早点来,这样我们可以单独聊聊。
- Reminiscence therapy helps elders recall memories of old times through activities designed to achieve self-healing. 摘要怀旧治疗是透过老人的回忆活动去体验怀念过去生活的片段,以促使其达到自我疗愈的目标。
- The Army is auctioning off a lot of old equipment. 军队正在把大量旧装备拍卖掉。
- He patched up a couple of old tires. 他补了几条旧车胎。
- The custom has been known from of old. 这种习俗是古代遗风。