- Don't chat discursively on a variety of topics. 不要东拉西扯地闲聊了。
- They were chattering (discursively on a variety of topics) over their needlework. 她们一边做针线活一边闲扯个不停。
- Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. 学生能够理解和翻译涵盖各种话题的书面和口头文字内容。
- In this website, u can find conversations on a variety of topics read out by native speakers of English. 在这网站里;你可找到不同主题的对话;由以英语为母语的人念出.
- The speaker discoursed knowledgeably on a variety of subjects. 演讲者头头是道地论述了一系列问题。
- Two sets of problems will be passed out - a set directly related to the lectures, and a set of supplementary problems on a variety of topics. 课堂会分发两份习题:一分直接关次该次讲课的课题;另一份是关于不同课题的附加习题。
- We also take on a variety of silk piece goods. 我们也经营各种绸缎的生意。
- The climbers strapped on a variety of equipment. 登山运动员背上了各种装备。
- Welcomed as member on a variety of teams. 作为各种类型团队的成员都受到欢迎。
- General encyclopedias provide concise overviews on a wide variety of topics. 综合的(型)百科全书提供有关各种各样的主题的简明的综述。
- In the late 1820s and 1830s he began writing monographs and essays on a variety of economic topics. 最迟在1820年到1830年间,他开始围绕各种经济话题撰写专著和论文。
- Iraq has been working on a variety of UAVs for more than a decade. 伊拉克在超过10年的时间里,发展生产了多种无人飞行器。
- A water motor boats, banana, drag parachute, and so on a variety of activities. 有水上摩托艇、香蕉船、拖曳降落伞等内容丰富的活动项目。
- These forums provide searchable threads on a variety of troubleshooting topics and are monitored to provide quick responses to your questions. 这些论坛为各种疑难解答主题提供了可搜索线索,它们在相关人员的密切监视下,可以快速解答您的提问。
- She received long letters from him on a wide range of topics. 她收到他的长信,其中涉及了各种各样的话题。
- The goal is for them to be able to click on a variety of library resources in that language. 这个目的是为了能够让他们链接到以他们自己语言表示的各种库资源。
- The ladybug attacks the molluscoid pest while the green lacewing feeds on a variety of other insects. 其中瓢虫能对付软体害虫,草蛉能捕食害虫的卵及幼虫。
- PHARMACEUTICAL AND biotechnology companies are working on a variety of myostatin inhibitors. 制药界和生技公司正致力发展各种阻断肌肉生长抑制素作用的药剂。
- Abigail Franks writes on a variety of subjects which include home, family, business, and health. 显示就业愿望强烈离开你走你的梦想;你自己的小生意非常想法.
- We celebrate six seasonal festivals based on a variety of out ancestral backgrounds. 我们基于各种外面的祖先背景庆祝六个季节性的节日。