- Contrary to the Tory canard, constitutional reform is not an issue for the "chattering classes", irrelevant to most people. 与保守党人的谣传相反,宪法改革不是一个与大多数人民没有什么关系的为“空谈阶层”提出的问题。
- "There has always been a great respect for intellectuals,unlike in Britain where they are often dismissed as'the chattering classes'," says Anichkin. 阿尼奇金说:“这里的知识分子相当受人尊敬;但在英国,教师往往被人称为‘喋喋不休的阶级’。”
- "There has always been a great respect for intellectuals, unlike in Britain where they are often dismissed as 'the chattering classes'," says Anichkin. 阿尼奇金说:“这里的知识分子相当受人尊敬;但在英国,教师往往被人称为‘喋喋不休的阶级’。”
- Now Pierre Bayard, 52, a Paris University literature professor, has come to their rescue with a survivor's guide to life in the chattering classes. 如今,52岁的巴黎大学文学教授皮耶.巴亚尔拿一本聊天课堂上的求生手册来解救他们。
- Well done, China&033 You have given the world a magnificent Olympicsdespite the efforts of the chattering classes in the Western mediato portray you as some Stalinist state. 中国棒极了!你给了整个世界一个精彩绝伦的奥运会,与此同时西方媒体还在喋喋不休的努力把你塑造成斯大林主义似的的国家。
- Well done, **! You have given the world a magnificent Olympics despite the efforts of the chattering classes in the Western media to portray you as some Stalinist state. 中国棒极了!你给了整个世界一个精彩绝伦的奥运会,与此同时西方媒体还在喋喋不休的努力把你塑造成斯大林**似的的国家。
- Well done英国, China! You have given the world a magnificent Olympics despite the efforts of the chattering classes in the Western media to portray you as some Stalinist state. 中国棒极了!你给了整个世界一个精彩绝伦的奥运会英国英国英国,与此同时西方媒体还在喋喋不休的努力把你塑造成斯大林主义似的的国家。
- Well done, China! You have given the world a magnificent Olympics despite the efforts of the chattering classes in the Western media to portray you as some Stalinist state. 中国棒极了!你给了整个世界一个精彩绝伦的奥运会,与此同时西方媒体还在喋喋不休的努力把你塑造成斯大林主义似的的国傢。
- You have given the world a magnificent Olympics despite the efforts of the chattering classes in the Western media to portray you as some Stalinist state. 你给了整个世界一个精彩绝伦的奥运会,与此同时西方媒体还在喋喋不休的努力把你塑造成史达林主义似的的国家。
- The long-suffering (and Australian) Mr Moneypenny supplied the wine for the office-warming party, which tells you what he is doing these days - purveying wine to the chattering classes. 历经磨难的斤斤计较钱先生(澳大利亚人)为办公室乔迁聚会提供了葡萄酒,这告诉了你这些年他所做的事情:为这些嘈杂的聚会供应葡萄酒。
- The teacher told the children to stop chattering in class. 老师叫孩子们在课堂上不要叽叽喳喳讲话。
- Stop your useless chatter and listen to what Roy is saying. 你们的闲谈停一停,听听罗伊说什麽。
- Cut the chatter and get on with your work! 别唠唠叨叨了,继续工作吧。
- His ceaseless chatter began to annoy me. 他不停的唠叨使我厌烦起来。
- His silly chatter would vex you. 他那无聊的闲扯会使你烦恼。
- He turned a deaf ear to his mother's chatter. 他对母亲的唠唠叨叨听而不闻。
- I've had enough of your constant chatter. 我已经听够你那没完没了的唠叨话。
- Kindly send us two samples of each class quote for. 报价时,请对每一个等级的各寄两个样品。
- She's tired of their perpetual chatter. 她对他们没完没了的闲谈感到厌倦。
- I've had enough of her continual chatter. 我已厌烦了她喋喋不休的闲谈。