- chemically precipitated sludge 化学沉淀污泥
- chemical precipitated sludge 化学法沉淀的污泥
- A chemically precipitated substance that binds particles of clastic rocks. 结合沉淀物使碎屑岩的微料结合起来的一种化学沉淀物
- Biological reduction of sulfate with sulf ate-reducing bacteria(SRB) can chemically precipitate heavy metals and remove th e insoluble metal sulfide at the same time. 利用硫酸盐还原菌生物还原硫酸盐的过程中同时可将重金属化学沉淀为难溶金属硫化物而去除。
- The out break of the war precipitated the collapse of our firm. 战争的爆发加速了我们公司的倒闭。
- To remove phosphates from wastewater using biological phosphorus removal, chemic precipitation and combination of biological and chemical processes, etc. 除磷:去除废污水中磷成分,常用的方法有:生物除磷法、化学沉降除磷法、化学生物并用除磷法等。
- Her remark precipitated my decision. 她的话促使我作出决定。
- The precipitated carbonation sludge is removed by filtration. 沉淀的碳酸饱和物通过过滤被清除。
- Of or relating to a chemical precipitate, especially of carbonates, having the characteristics of cement. 水泥质的一种具有水泥特性的化学沉淀物的或与之相关的,尤指碳酸盐
- In this paper,HAP ultrafine powder was prepared by chemical precipitation with citric acid as dispersant. 采用沉淀法并用柠檬酸作分散剂合成HAP超细粉体。
- The process and parameters of chemical precipitation to treat phosphate coating wastewater is presented in this paper. 作者提出了用化学沉淀法处理磷化废水的工艺流程和技术参数。
- The review introduces three by chemical precipitation process,sol-gol method and reversed microemulsion method. 本文综述了化学沉淀法、溶胶-凝胶法和微乳法等三种湿化学方法在制备超细二氧化硅纳米材料方面的应用。
- The cart overturned and precipitated us to the ditch. 车子翻了,我们被摔进了沟里。
- The spherical zirconia and Ni-coated zirconia composite powders were synthesized by the chemical precipitation method. 摘要采用化学沉淀法分别制备球形氧化锆及镍/氧化锆复合微球粉体。
- Chemically conditioned sludge is treated under pressure for 1 to 3 hours. 化学药物处理过的污泥需经过1至3小时的压力作用。
- Lanthanum zirconate(La2Zr2O7,LZ) and CeO2-La2O3-ZrO2(LCZ) composite ceramic powders were prepared by the chemical precipitation. 采用化学沉淀法制备了La2Zr2O7(LZ)和CeO2-La2O3-ZrO2(LCZ)陶瓷粉末。
- An already ailing economy precipitated into ruin despite foreign intervention. 尽管有外来的协助,已千疮百孔经济仍陷入崩溃状态
- Nanometer sized lead oxide was prepared by pyrogenetic decomposition of lead carbonate synthesized by chemical precipitation. 采用均匀沉淀法合成碳酸铅,在此基础上通过高温分解制备纳米氧化铅。
- Fears about the solvency of the banks precipitated the great economic crash. 对银行偿付能力出现恐慌更加速了经济的崩溃。
- Others, though, question whether fossil stromatolites really are the result of bacterial action, and wonder whether they might be chemical precipitates instead. 尽管另一些人,质疑层叠岩石化石是否是细菌活动的结果,但他们也想知道那些化石是否只是化学沉淀物。